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Follow Up - The Joomla! Out of the Box Challenge


In September, I challenged readers to complete a small site based on a fictional brief. The goal was to see the different ways people can approach the same build, only using the features available in core Joomla. Read the original challenge here.


We had a total of two responses! They each took very different approaches to the brief.

Thank you both for taking the time to submit your work! I love both submissions.

My biggest takeaway—custom fields are integral to managing structured content in Joomla, and can make it easier to build complex sites just with the core. From there, the details change based on what you're trying to do, but the sky is the limit!

What's next?

Well, that's up to you! Given how many holidays from all different cultures and religions happen in the next 2-3 months, we'll be putting the challenge on hold.

A new brief will be posted in the Spring of 2023.

What do you think of these two fabulous sites? What should the next challenge focus on? Can't wait to hear from you!

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Meet a Joomler - Andrew Barber

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Paweł on Saturday, 07 January 2023 23:53
thanks for the challenge

Great challenge. I had a great time. Congratulations Brian Teeman. We are waiting for more. I also want to thank the graphic designer who created my website template. Thanks daughter.

Great challenge. I had a great time. Congratulations Brian Teeman. We are waiting for more. I also want to thank the graphic designer who created my website template. Thanks daughter.

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