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JoomlaDay Houston had the X Factor!

JoomlaDay Houston had the X Factor!

This picture says it all! Look at all the Joomla women! 

I recently had the pleasure of attending JoomlaDay Houston... as always, it was great to see some familiar faces and friends.

This was a true JoomlaDay, packed from morning til closing with some great Joomla speakers, including keynotes by OSM President, Paul Orwig and PLT's David Hurley. Organized by Robbie Adair, Alan Hartless and their team, it was a well run, informative day that continued into the evening.

But, what was really great to see were the number of women who attended this event! Of the 40 or so attendees, 15 were women. This warms my heart. One of my goals has been to try to reach out to women to attend, and speak, and KEYNOTE at Joomla events. (See The X Factor and Women in Joomla! and The X Factor and Women in Tech) It is not just about being a tech person, it is about everything that goes with having a presence on the web. Women are coders, designers, developers, CEOs, CPAs, you name it, women do it. 

I would love to see this same ratio at the Joomla! World Conference! Get your tickets now, time is running out!

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JoomlaDay Johannesburg - South Africa
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