How to Customize the Joomla 5 Login Page
In this beginner tutorial, you'll learn how to customize the login page of your Joomla 5 site. No coding skills required, no useless extension to install, just you and the Joomla's magic :)
Howdy, Joomla fellows!
In this Joomla 5 tutorial, you'll learn how to customize the login page by:
- changing the backend logos
- customizing the login page texts
- replacing the support links
- changing the colours of the admin panel
By default, the Joomla 5 login page looks like this (I've highlighted the parts we'll customize):
Thanks to this tutorial, your Joomla 5 login page could look like this:
Who is this Joomla 5 tutorial for?
This tutorial is for any Joomla site owners who want to customize their Joomla 5 login page.
To follow this tutorial, you don't need:
- any technical skills or coding knowledges
- to install any third-party useless extension
- to hire a web designer
Are you ready? Ok, let's start!
Let's change the colours and the logos
- Open your admin panel and navigate to System > Templates > Administrator Template Styles.
- Open Atum - Default template.
- Open Colour Settings tab. Don't hesitate to "play" with the colours to adjust the colour scheme to your needs.
- Here, you can customize the link colour (#2a69b8 as default). This will change the colours of all the links in your Joomla backend.
- Click Save when you're done.
Need a FREE colour scheme generator for your Joomla site?
Lucky you, here is exactly what you're looking for: created by Elisa Foltyn.
- Open, the Image Settings tab.
- Add your new the Login Logo. This is the logo displayed on the middle of your login page, on the top of the lofin form.
- Add you new Brand Large logo. This is the logo displayed on the left top of your login page. Ideal size (px): 150 x 30
- Add your Brand Small logo. This is the logo displayed on the top of the admin pages on mobile mode. Ideal size (px): 20 x 20
- Click Save & Close when you're done.
Let's change the texts and the links
- Open System > Manage > Language Overrides.
- In the dropdown list, select YOUR-LANGUAGE - Administrator.
- Click the New button on the top of the page.
- Search for the text Joomla Administrator Login.
- Select the result
displayed below. - In the field text, replace the default text, by yours.
- Click Save & Close when you're done.
- Open System > Manage > Administrator Modules</.
- Search for Login Support.
- Unpublish the module Login Support and click Save & Close.
- Click the New button on the top of the page.
- Select Custom as module type to create.
- Fill the fields, and select Sidebar for the module position.
- Click Save & Close when you're done.
Go further with CSS
And of course, you can also easily improve your backend customization with some additional CSS.
- Open System > Templates > Administrator templates.
- Click on Atum Details and Files.
- Click on New file button on the top of your page.
- Click on the CSS folder on the left.
- Indicate user for the file name field on the right.
- Select CSS for the file type on the right.
- Click on the create button.
Now, you can add all the CSS classes you want in your user.css file if you want to get further on your customization work.
Yeah congrats, you did it!
As promised, no need to learn tech skills, to install useless extension, or to hire a web designer to customize your Joomla 5 login page. Just with some parameters, you can do a lot, and by yourself.
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Comments 6
Fantastic article, thanks for sharing.
... for your kind comment, Eoin
I'm always glad to share those kind of (useful) knowledge with the #JCommunity
I really appreciate these easy ‘how to’ guides.
I really appreciate your friendly feedback, it keeps me motivated to publish more similar content.
Best & thanks.
I'm really liking using Joomla 5 and learning new things, I knew a few of these things but the Language override examples given are really helpful as its not something I was familiar with ,so these tips are great & I like these kinds of articles with customisation tips + examples
Thanks a lot for your kind message and happy 2025 Sharn!!
Creating those overrides are not so complex, as all you need is 90% of imagination, and 10% of technic.
The only problem is that once you've created an override, you just want to create more, and more.
Feel free to share yours, I can't wait to see what your imagination will create!