Meet the Extensions Directory Team
Perhaps almost all Joomla users have at least once visited the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED). The place where you can search for any Joomla extension. And the team behind the JED are working hard to make sure the extensions are available. Come and learn what the team roles are and how they do it in this new article of Meet the team series.
What is the team’s main goal?
Jaz: Our main goal is to facilitate the Joomla! Extensions Directory. This covers all areas of dealing with submissions of new extensions, reviews, reported vulnerable extensions as well as internally developing the next versions of the extension directory and the extension checker on Joomla 4.
What is your place in Joomla’s ecosphere?
Jaz: Our place is to help connect extension developers and Joomla users. A place to help our users find the extension with the functionality that they’re looking for.
What roles do you have within the team?
Jaz: We have several specific roles within the team and a few more general ones.
We have listing specialists, review specialists, support specialists and vulnerable extension specialists along with team leadership roles. We also have JED4 developers and JED checker developers.
Team members: introduce yourself please :)
Jaz: I’m Jaz Parkyn, and I have been on the team since 2014, and have held various roles over the years, starting as a listing specialist, and then as team leader on two separate occasions.
Oh: I am Oh Martin, I am a Listing Specialist and I have been a member of the JED team for a year now.
Dénes: Dénes Székely, Support manager, I am here since July 2016.
Mark: I am Mark Fleeson, I’ve been working on the new JED 4 code since January 2021.
How often do you have meetings, and how do they take place?
We meet monthly as a team using google meets and also have a separate development meeting for the JED 4 team.
What tools do you use to work together?
Most of our work uses the custom built JED component, but we also use the RingCentral discussion tool that the various internal Joomla teams use. For development we use PHPstorm and GitHub amongst other tools.
If you had three words to describe the atmosphere within the team, what would those words be?
Dénes: working well together
How did the team develop over the last year(s)?
Dénes: There were hectic ups and downs, but one problem seems to be permanent: we were short in manpower - all of the time, but generally we were able to keep our main target - to handle tickets within a week. The biggest problem is the development of the new JED as the current version is showing its age.
Do you need extra volunteers, and if so, in what capacities?
We need people who can work in time zones around the world so that tickets can be triaged quickly. We need people to help us with processing reported reviews tickets.
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