Helpful E-mail Marketing Components for Joomla! Powered Websites
What do you think about an E-mail Marketing component written just for Joomla! powered websites? If you own a Joomla! based website and you want to carry out E-mail Marketing Campaigns to boost your site’s image, components integrating E-mail Marketing services with Joomla! are highly recommended.
The integration between Joomla! and E-mail Marketing services allows Joomla! owners to conveniently manage a number of subscriptions, registration of readers or customers. In addition, Joomla! owners can quickly create, send and track numerous E-mail Newsletters, RSS Feeds, Auto-responders and Surveys.
There are many E-mail Marketing services supporting Joomla! in the market. Each of them has certain advantages over others. In this article, I'd like to recommend you some reliable E-mail Marketing companies that provide Joomla! integration support. Besides, you will find the provided links useful for your first steps to integrate those E-mail Marketing services into your Joomla! sites.
E-mail Marketing service providers
Campaign Monitor
The E-mail Marketing service Campaign Monitor integrated with Joomla! provides a component named Joomailer Campaign Monitor (JoomailerCM)
The beta version of JoomailerCM supports these following features, which I think actually handy for Joomla! users:
General Features:
- Manage subscribers by adding or deleting names easily
- Create lists of new subscribers or already existing lists without logging into Campaign Monitor.
- Synchronize subscribers from your Joomla! site to Campaign Monitor and vice verse.
- Flag unsubscribed readers automatically
- Get access to reports from Campaign Monitor via Joomla! lightbox without logging into Campaign Monitor,
- Work with the Joomla! core manager, Community Builder and ACL tools.
Price: $30 (including the current version of Joomailer CM, frees upgrade of its beta phase and three-month support)
Set up Joomailer Campaign Monitor in Joomla! site
The component integrated between Joomla! and MailChimp is known as Joomailer Chimp. Although Joomailer cooperates with two E-mail Marketing services – Campaign Monitor and MailChimp, the two components are different.
Here is the comparison between Joomailer Campaign Monitor and Joomailer Chimp. I think it’s helpful for you to have some ideas distinguishing these two components.
The best thing I find in Joomailer Chimp is that you can use it for FREE with as many features as those of Joomailer CM.
General Features
- Send E-mail to segments of your main list
- Create User Profiles
- Share and Like on Facebook
- Support rebranding solution
- Integrate with Virtuemart, Jomsocial and Community Builder
- Provide Free Entry-level hosted solution
Getting started with Joomailer Chimp requires you to create a MailChimp account and set up MailChimp in its interface with API keys and Info items.
Price: Free
Set up Joomailer Mailchimp in Joomla! site
iContact is one of the most well-known E-mail Marketing providers in the world. That’s why JoomlaShack partnered with iContact. And J!Contact is the result of this partnership.
J!Contact is a FREE and un-encoded Joomla extension which can be downloaded only in JoomlaShack’s site.
General Features
- Check Spam Mails
- Handle Bounce-back
- Support WYSIWYG Newsletter Editor
- Assure CAN-SPAM Compliance
- Track Open and Click-through
- Manage Subscriptions
- Segment Lists
- Provide Advanced Analytics
JoomlaShack has a detailed tutorial showing how to set up J!Contact in your Joomla! site that is easy to follow. You can do it on your own quickly with some simple steps.
Price: Free
Set up J!Contact in Joomla! based site
Jomlink is a Joomla! 1.5 component that integrates your Joomla! powered website with Aweber – another cool E-mail Marketing software for Joomla! users or online marketers
Jomlink allows you to connect your Aweber account to your Joomla! site. Once installing Jomlink into your Joomla! based website, your registered viewers in your website will appear in your Aweber mailing directory.
Jomlink 3.1 is the latest version which was released on August 23rd 2010. It has received good reviews from users since then.
General Features
- Work with Community Builder extended fields
- Work with Jomsocial extended fields
- Get additional information like the user ID
- Add a sign-up form websites
- Capture subscriptions without people leaving the page
- Work properly with “account activation” enabled
Installing Jomlink is effortless yet configuring it takes you a bit more time. It is required that you read the instructions carefully in order not to miss any step.
Price: $47 (for a one-time charge)
Set up Jomlink in your Joomla! powered website
The above suggested E-mail Marketing services are considered top-notch in the market, which have been used by many Joomla! owners thanks to their Joomla! supported feature. Should you want to build a website for your company or your own, Joomla! is the best choice. If you want to spread your image to the rest of the world, don’t forget E-mail marketing. And when you think of E-mail Marketing, remember there are lots of E-mail Marketing services supporting Joomla!, my suggestions are four of which. And they are the best ones, as far as I’m concerned.
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