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Programs Department Update - 2019


All active teams within the department are now holding regular meetings to help facilitate their goals being achieved. Accompanied by monthly department meetings, the department is now a revitalised and focused group of volunteers primed to continue working towards their objectives in the coming months.

A number of volunteers from the Programs Department attended the Forum for the Future event and worked closely with the wider community to define objectives across the four event streams. 

Joomla Certification Team (JCP)

This year, the team continues to work on a mass upgrade of their website and its extensions, as well as working with a third party to develop a new platform to host the exam and to manage the translations of the questions into different languages. Chris Keen continues to lead the team, assisted closely by Wilco Alsemgeest and Andrea Gentil. The teams upcoming goals are to complete their upgrades with a view to then widen their activities. A future venture resulting from the Forum for the Future (FftF) event will be to further explore the concept of a Content Creator exam. 

Volunteer Engagement Team (VET) 

This year, Vikas Pisal has created a number of documents that the team will utilise over the coming months. Following a restructuring of the team led by Jaz, the team now has new members accompanied with renewed goals, enthusiasm, and collaboration. Each department will soon have at least one representative on the team, alongside the core team members. With a great team structure now in place, the teams upcoming goals are to further define its missions and place within the community. A number of exciting developments resulted from the FftF event in which the VET will assist and collaborate where possible. Davide Messia has recently been elected as the new team leader. 

Educational Outreach Working Group

A number of community members this year have run classes and workshops in the educational sector with aims to educate, engage and inspire the next generation of Joomlers. Their experience and knowledge will be fundamental in the coming months when the FftF Re-Engage & Re-Ignite stream participants will start to define resources for expanding this initiative. 

Event Traveller Programme (JET) 

This team has remained inactive this year, but will be restarted in the run up to an event if JET funds are approved. 

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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