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2012 J!OSCAR Awards Announced - Nominations close April 27

2012 J!OSCAR Awards Announced - Nominations close April 27

Spring is nearly here and that can mean only one thing — it’s J!OSCAR season! At J and Beyond — the developer conference held annually in Europe — the Joomla Open Source Creative and Artistic Recognition awards are given to the very best talent in the Joomla community. Today I am proud to announce that nominations for the 2012 J!OSCARs are now open and I encourage you all visit the J and Beyond web site to complete the nomination form.

Each year we modify the awards to suit the Joomla community and 2012 is no different. As you can see in the award list below, the Services Award is very appropriate this year as Joomla has matured and a network of services have grown to match an increased demand.

Similarly, web sites must increasingly be mobile and the Web Site awards now include the Mobile category.

The final new award recognizes the important people who find, report and patch bugs in Joomla, the Bug Junkies.

Nominations for all these awards will be collected until 27-April and J and Beyond attendees can vote for the winners once on-site in Bad Nauheim.

In addition to these peer awards, the J!OSCARs also include two Jury awards. Person of the Year will be awarded to someone who has made important and lasting contributions to Joomla. Innovation of the Year will be awarded to a software, product, service or framework that represents an evolutionary step forward in the Joomla community.

As in previous years, a jury of Joomla experts from around the world will be selected to choose the winners of these awards upon arrival at the conference venue.

J and Beyond attracts site builders, extension developers and service providers from around the world and is truly a transformative Joomla event. So in closing I would like to personally invite each of you to join me and the other conference organizers at Bad Nauheim from 18-May through 20-May.

I look forward to receiving your J!OSCAR nominations and meeting you at J and Beyond 2012.

See you there!

More info

2012 J!OSCAR Awards

Joomla Extensions and Services

  • Free Add-ons
  • Commercial Add-ons (excluding templates)
  • Template Systems
  • Joomla-specifc Services

Web Sites built with Joomla

  • Corporate sector
  • Non-corporate/non-profit
  • eCommerce
  • Mobile

Joomla People

  • Github Junkie (core contributions)
  • Communications Junkie
  • Bug Junkie

Jury Awards

  • Person of the Year
  • Innovation of the Year

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Interview with Steve Burge of OSTraining
Joomla and Smartphones


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