7 minutes reading time (1444 words)

Tribute to Aris Ntatsis


On June 09, the JCM Team received very sad news: Aris Ntatsis, a valuable team member, esteemed Joomler and founder of the Greek Joomla Community, passed away.

The JCM Team decided to write an article to tribute Aris Ntatsis, collecting some words and memories from other Joomlers, either from the Greek and the Global Joomla Community.

Comments are verbatim of the memories and contributions sent by the volunteers who participated in this article.


I met Aris in 2011, at the inaugural JoomlaDay Greece. The first thing that struck me about him is that he really was in it for the community. Probably the only one who was in it just for the community, without any expectation of self-promotion or other benefits. When the Greek Joomla community found itself virtually extinct a few years later it was Aris who organised everything and everyone. He led with enthusiasm, integrity and an ever-present boyish smile. He helped everyone, he made sure that things were getting done and that everyone is having fun. If there ever was an embodiment of the Joomla spirit, Aris was it.

It’s impossible to put in a scant few words the energy he infused to the entire Greek community and how much more fun he made it for us being involved in Joomla. Back in October 2019, he put out a call for the Joomla 4 Pizza, Bugs and Fun. A lot more people showed up than he would have ever hoped. He was ecstatic. There was code, there was pizza and there was a lot of fun – thanks to him. I have the photographic evidence that he insisted we carefully arrange our leftover pizzas to take a grand shot of three dozen contributors in front of piles of pizza with sunlit Athens in the background to troll the other PBF teams. “Let’s show them how we do it in Greece”, he said. And showed them we did.

Aris, I already miss you, man.

Nicholas Dionysopulous


I am not sure when I met Aris for the first time. I reckon it must have been at one of the European Joomla JandBeyond conferences. Aris was a very friendly and modest person. And always very cheerful. Someone who was nice to be around and who made you feel comfortable. When I first met him, I knew he was active in the Greek translation team. Then I didn't know that he was so active in the Greek Joomla community. Later I found out that he was one of the driving forces behind that community.

Last year Aris invited me to do a talk at Joomla Talks 2019, a Greek Joomla conference in Athens. He picked me up at the airport and made me feel welcome. Never have I received such a well-prepared itinerary as the one he gave me (map with the dinner place, the conference place, the metro stations, info about my accommodation). I look back with great fondness to that conference weekend. Interesting people, nice conversations with everyone and a great atmosphere.

The evening after the conference we had dinner with a group of people in a small local restaurant. I still see Aris talking, laughing, and enjoying the group vibe. Cheerful as always.

I miss you already my friend...

Peter Martin


I will always remember Aris as a highly passionate, dynamic & open to the community person. He was extremely self-motivated and I primarily admired his passion and tenacity for every goal he set. Although we had a short term collaboration, it was undoubtedly active and fruitful. His advice was always constructive. The news was unexpected. Rest in Peace Aris.

Achilleas Papageorgiou


Gentle, sweet, meek and always to-the-point, a man with a will for action and life, and with a strongly fellow collective consciousness, a great connecting link among us, a giver.

UNexpected, UNbelievable, UNfair, that Aris Ntatsis is gone.

Katerina - Navsika Katsetsiadou


Some 13 years ago I was starting out as a freelance web designer and developer. I was acquainted with Aris via the forum and contacted him asking for some pointers. He took time out of his busy schedule to welcome me at his office and spent well over an hour giving me valuable advice. On that day, he put me on a path to arrive where I am today. I have since considered him one of my mentors.

Alexander Ioannidis


Aris was a smiling, deeply polite and democratic man, always willing to help and offer. It was an honor for humanity that was part of it. It is a great loss. Let it be a source of inspiration and a shining example for all of us.

Charis Zisimopoulos


Aris was one of the most generous and selfless people I know. A man with ethos and kindness in every aspect of his life. I will never forget his passion for the open-source community. He strongly believed in the power of the community and often said: “Everyone is needed in an open-source community like Joomla. No matter how much time you have, no matter the knowledge you have, you can offer. Every offer is valuable”. Aris, you will always be in our hearts and minds.

Manolis Axipolitos


Ι don’t know when I will believe that I’m living something like this. Everything started from a message sent by Aris in 2005 for the new Joomla community and a call for a joint effort.

Since then many things have happened to make me believe that Aris supported like no one else and with all of his strength the Greek Joomla community and through this the Joomla CMS. He leaves a painful, large and unfulfilled void. The Greek Joomla community is really losing its driving force. Aris, we will do our best to continue your project.

Yiorgos Fakas


Aris Ντatsis was one and only. Good, sensitive and always willing to help. Goodbye, my dear friend!

Bill Kotsias


Aris was - it’s so strange to say “was” instead of “is” - the smiling force behind Greek Joomla. I met him early in Joomla’s life and was very impressed by his eagerness to share his knowledge with everybody - despite running his own company, where he could earn some more money. When Aris was proposing some big plans, I feel nobody could just shy away - we had to help along. I will miss him for a long, long time.

Maria Boogert


Ari, you were one of the most remarkably passionate people I’ve met in the Joomla community. You had a pure heart and a beautiful mind. No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss. Thank you for being a great volunteer and most importantly a very good friend. I feel truly saddened that you are no more with us. I really wish it’s a dream. RIP.

Tassos Marinos


I lost a dear friend today. I have a lot to remember and to miss. Passionate conversations, the inner sense of right he had, the way he talked about his loving family, the way he collaborated in work, the way he enjoyed Joomla! He was a valuable volunteer for the community; I sometimes feel that he was the community. And above all, he was a true friend.

Tonia Chanioti


I met Aris back in 2008, through the Joomla community. From the first minute, I understood that he loved Joomla, was passionate about it and was ready to help anyone. He welcomed me and I felt that I knew him forever. Warm, kind, and selfless. He liked to share. Share the knowledge. Aris was … (so many adjectives coming to my mind. I cannot choose some.) Aris was a mentor for me and for many others in the Greek community. Thank you for everything.

Trikkas Dimitris


I had the privilege to meet Aris in 2019 at JoomlaTalks, the event he organized in Athens. It was a fantastic experience, he introduced me to the Greek Community and he was a great host and event organizer. Beyond that, I worked with Aris in the Community Translation Team and in the Community Magazine Team and I was always pleased by Aris’ commitment, kindness and the effectiveness. He is missed already.

Luca Marzo


I met Aris briefly, first at the Community Liaisons team, and recently working at the Community Magazine team. However, from the very beginning, I noticed his kindness and predisposition to collaborate whenever he could. He is already missed.

Andrea Gentil


The Magazine Team would like to send a virtual hug to Aris’ family and friends for their loss. We are grateful for having the chance to work with Aris.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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Comments 1

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Patrick Jackson on Saturday, 20 June 2020 08:31
A valued community member who will be missed

I'd only just come to e-meet Aris briefly in the weeks before his passing after coming on board as a staff writer with JCM. Clearly from the memories shared in this article, Joomla's lost a highly appreciated and valued community member far earlier than anyone would have liked.

I'd only just come to e-meet Aris briefly in the weeks before his passing after coming on board as a staff writer with JCM. Clearly from the memories shared in this article, Joomla's lost a highly appreciated and valued community member far earlier than anyone would have liked.

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