Join The Joomla Magazine Team
The Joomla Magazine Team is looking for contributors who can help manage the magazine in different areas. We'd love to have you on board!
At the moment we have only two positions occupied:
Magazine Editor
The magazine editor supervises the entire production of the publication, from start to finish. The magazine editor is essentially the driving force that brings a publication together. Without the magazine editor, the publication will lose focus and be undistinguished to our target audience. Currently, Helvecio da Silva and Jacques Rentzke are in this position.
Non-regular Authors
They contribute writing articles for the magazine on an eventual basis. It is important to note that we are always on the lookout for new Authors to contribute for the magazine regularly.
The Team has the following positions available:
Regular Authors
These contributors can write about any given subject or be assigned to write about a specific topic for every issue. Right now regular authors will be an important addition to help the magazine reach out to the community.
Article Editor
The Article Editor is the person responsible for stimulating authors to create content while keeping the target audience in mind.
Review all articles to detect and correct errors of text or art.
Graphic Designer/Illustrator
A contributor with a creative essence to deliver art for the magazine, such as banners, article images or any related demand that arises.
Marketing/Public Relations/Strategist Coordinator
The Marketing Coordinator/Public Relations/Strategist Coordinator is responsible for their magazine's marketing and communications strategies as well as overall branding and image.
Research Coordinator
The Research Coordinator is the person who helps gives the tone to the magazine, bringing to the table subjects that are of interest for the target audience and that will help adjust the magazine's editorial line.
Social Network Coordinator
The Social Network Coordinator will act on Social Networks to promote the magazine while listening for the feedback from the public in general.
JCM Ambassadors
The JCM Ambassadors are those who are willing to attend events to promote Joomla and the magazine in their areas.
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Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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