Joomla! Working Together
In the Joomla community, we make progress when we work together. At times we differ (and even strongly so) about the best path to take, but we share a goal of improving the Joomla CMS, for all level of users, from all cultures and nations.
Working together to reach a goal
One of the strong aspects of the Joomla CMS, is that it is translated into many languages. In May, community members from the Joomla User Group Dhaka in Bangladesh, came together to translate Joomla into Bangla, a language spoken by more than 250 million people in South Asia. By the end of the event, they reported that the translation was 91% done.
Another example of community working together, to reach a goal, was when J and Beyond e.V. (who organizes the popular JandBeyond Joomla conference) called for help in their crowdfunding campaign, to help pay for their taxcourt battle for non-profit status in Germany. The Joomla community responded with generous donations, and the the wider open source community also got involved, with the Open Source Initiative helping to promote the campaign, and Contao CMS and TYPO3 also donating. The goal was reached in less than 24 hours.
Speaking of JandBeyond (JAB). They had another successful Joomla conference. Daniel Dubois shares his experience in Retour sur le #JAB16
Joomla student projects for Google Summer of Code (GSOC)
Joomla is fortunate enough to take part as Mentoring organisation in the 2016 Google Summer of Code, and 6 student projects were approved. In this edition you can learn more about these projects::
- Improved Multi-lingual Content Management - João Reys Santos
- Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin - Mohamed Karam
- Shareable Draft Content - Nikita Dhiman
- Just married: Joomla and Jasmine - Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe
- Helping out Yash by improving Joomla Menu Item workflow - Shubham Rajput
- How to make Joomla CMS tests Better with Gherkin and Codeception? - Prital Patel
Thank you to the Administrators and Mentors who are volunteering to assist these students in reaching their goals. We wish the GSOC students success with their projects.
Also in the June edition of the JCM
- Karin and Joomla: an inspiring Joomla story - Karin Déchamps
- Too many extensions equals panic! - William David Edwards
- The Fall of Joomla - John Hooley
- Joomla Speaks out on its 10th Birthday - Parth Lawate
- New Joomla SEO Team - Soren Beck Jensen
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Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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