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JAB11 - An International Joomla! Conference

JAB11 - An International Joomla! Conference
Have you ever heard of JAB? JAB is an abbreviation of jandbeyond. An international conference about Joomla! and all things related to Joomla! The first JAB was held in 2010 and unfortunately I wasn't able to attend due to work reasons. This year I had the chance to attend JAB and I made it. Now, four weeks later, I want to share my feelings about the jandbeyond conference with you because I want to tell you the impressions I got out of the conference, and it's not as easy as I thought!

My Journey

There was an idea called #joomballrally (based on the famous Gumball 3000 race). I was curious, decided to join and started on Thursday May 4th from Fitou, France. I avoided motorways, opened the roof and drove through France. A good opportunity to listen to the last JoomStew podcasts. (JoomStew website). The next day, I arrived safely in Kerkrade, The Netherlands.

The Venue

Rolduc is the name of a medieval abbey in Kerkrade, which is now a Roman Catholic seminary and an affiliated conferencing center. It is a perfect and peaceful place to meet open-minded people.

The Nooku Party

Thursday evening I joined the wonderful Nooku party in this crazy snow world. See photos here.

The Community

Is awesome :) I met so many people who are honestly interested in Joomla! and sometimes also concerned about the direction of the project. I listened to many OSM board members, discussing the project with the attendees.

The Companies

A lot of companies are built on Joomla! and JAB’s target group are mainly developers. So there were infinite possibilities for me to talk with them about their views on the project, their ideas of making business and much more!

The Project

The project is mainly called Joomla!. But there are two other projects around, Molajo and Nooku. All three are open source and all three are tied together because of their history, their community and their code. It would be wonderful for me to see them working together.

The Sessions

Watch them all on video

JoomStew from jandbeyond

Dianne and Alice did a great job by interviewing so many interesting people. Listen to part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5.

The Nightlife

It was truly inspiring — I only slept 9 hours in three nights!

The Knights of Open Source

no comment :)

The J.O.S.C.A.R.s

I now know a guy who received three of them in one year, congrats! Read the whole list of winners here.

My Little Project

I announced in a lightning talk, that I will publishing the Joomla! 1.7 - Beginner’s Guide in July 2011 for free. To finance the project I sold chapters. All the chapters were sold in 2 days!
At the third day we decided to release a Spanish version too Joomla! 1.7 - Guía para principiantes. There are still chapters available in the Spanish version :)

Thank You

A big thanks to all who helped to make this event happen. I can speak only for me and for me, JAB11 was an amazing experience! Try to join us next year!

And now: your task!

Please add a comment with a link to your work, if you wrote or tweet something about the event or if you took photos or shot videos!

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Unconference about taking Joomla! Forward at J and...


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