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Quarterly Highlights from Open Source Matters


Get a brief overview of OSM happenings from the current board president.

This is a brief summary of the 2023 Q2 report from the President of Open Source Matters (OSM). See all past and present board member reports on the OSM website. (Not sure how OSM relates to Joomla?)

All Together Now

The launch of a new major version of Joomla is always a ton of work, both for its development as well as all the surrounding efforts that support it. With Joomla 5 getting ready to be released in October, I’d like to highlight the efforts of the small-but-mighty Documentation team.

The JDocs team has been working tirelessly to update all the help screens for Joomla 5, document user-facing changes and features, as well as explore alternative platforms for the docs site that would make it easier for people to contribute. That is a lot of work for one small team, and yet they are doing it anyway and pushing forward. Bravo to all of you, and thank you for your dedication!

Connecting With Our Community

In June we announced a monthly casual call to "Ask OSM Anything". The first one took place on July 1st. Anyone can join us on the first of every month at 8:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC and ask us questions about Joomla, cats, coffee, or anything else. All you have to do is join Mattermost with your Joomla identity account; the call will be announced in various Mattermost channels, and at least one board member will be present for each call.

Connecting With Other Communities

I have been actively collaborating with leadership from WordPress, Drupal, and Typo3 in order to address the upcoming EU Cyber Resilience Act, which has unclear language that might threaten open source communities of all sizes, along with their contributors. Stay tuned for announcements about our plan of action and how you can get involved.

Looking Ahead to Q3

We are focusing on the sustainability of the Joomla project and community, and working on improving the processes that make OSM possible. If you have an interest in project finances, community relations, or developer relations, please get in touch with me via Mattermost!

What would you like to see from OSM?

Any thoughts on the above, or the rest of the Q2 Report? Comments for the president or the board in general? Comment below to join the conversation. I'm looking forward to your questions and ideas!

Onwards and upwards,



Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Joomla 5 Alpha - First experiences
Extended Security Support for Joomla 3.x - giving ...


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