3 minutes reading time (510 words)

Joomla! Pride

Joomla! Pride

Last month the world embraced and celebrated Pride Day in hundreds of cities around the world… In May, during JoomlaDay Brazil, I was lucky to attend my first Pride Parade in Sao Paulo, one of the largest in the world, with more than a million people marching, dancing and celebrating the diversity and pride of who they are.

After the celebration, over dinner, we talked about it... What about Joomla and its pride for its LGBT community members?

Large organizations around the world have shown their pride for their employees, collaborators and partners, and have actively joined the cause, fighting from different social spheres for a more just and equal world for all.

We saw the people from Google, in their T-shirts, marching and celebrating with the local community during the parade, as well as Facebook, through its various regional offices, not to mention what Embassies and other organizations have been doing over the years in their respective offices. Hence was born the idea: WE should celebrate with pride our LGBT community, show appreciation to all our partners, and embrace them by saying how proud we are that they are part of the J! Community.

We want to meet you, and learn what it means for you to be a member of a huge and diverse community such as Joomla, and tell us your experience. We want to interview you and have you share your story and thus, help those who still live in places where it is not possible to declare their pride, to feel that they are part of something bigger and that yes, it is possible!

Your message and your testimony can serve as an example and encouragement, to colleagues who live elsewhere and to help make Joomla become a bridge to let other people know they are not alone, and that they can join a huge community, and be proud to be who they are.

As a first step, we want to hear your story, what do you do with Joomla and what has meaning for you, as a proud member of the LGBT community. You will be telling the story as an interview in Joomla! Community Magazine and we will make a huge effort to publish in different languages. Who knows? Maybe next year you will be participating in your local celebration of pride, proudly wearing a Joomla T-shirt?

Please contact us by writing directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will gladly answer your message ... and of course, we thank you for joining us in this new adventure in the community.

Thanks to Alice Grevet and Dianne Henning for help in translate this article into English.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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