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Current Status of Web Driver System Test Suite of Joomla! CMS

Current Status of Web Driver System Test Suite of Joomla! CMS

Hello folks! I am currently working on this project, writing testing scripts for Joomla CMS. I have spent enough time on understanding the Joomla testing code base and I hope to improve it and increse its coverage so that I do not leave any area untested. I hope to complete my project within the timeline I have provided.


In my previous blog I wrote about the benefits of automated testing and stating the timeline of my project. In this blog I will be writing about current status of my project, the hurdles I faced in my project and what I will be accomplishing in the coming days.

Phase 1 of my project i.e. writing tests for individual elements of JOOMLA CMS was completed last year, I am working on Phase 2 which include integrating testing of these elements. Integrated testing involves writing test which enables interaction between more than one elements of JOOMLA CMS.


Work Completed:

  1. Tests for archived status of the elements
  2. Tests to verify the creation of menus on the front-end
  3. Tests to verify the creation of modules on the front-end

Work to be completed:

  1. Every code written for Joomla has to follow the Joomla Coding standard. The codes written by me were lacking in following the standards. Thanks to my mentors that they helped me to install Joomla code sniffer in my PHP Storm and now I am correcting my code so that it doesn’t deviate from standards.
  2. I will be writing tests for contents like featured article
  3. I will work on finding areas which can be tested.
  4. I also have to work on the sauce integration of the current testing code base.

Meeting is scheduled with mentors periodically and in the future meetings we will be discussing the scope of my project and how can we increase the coverage of tests.

This is a demo in which a menu item gets created and then we redirect on the front end and assert the presence of the menu item.

To the Joomla Community

It has been a month since my GSOC coding period has started and I am very happy that my mentors; Mr. Puneet Kala, Mr. Javier Gomez, Mr. Gunjan Patel are always there to help me out from the difficulties I faced.

I request the Joomla people that if they have any ideas or suggestions regarding the areas which can be tested, then please feel free to drop me a mail at ksh.anand2012@gmailcomor comment below :)

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