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2018, A Year Full of Promise

2018, A Year Full of Promise

As we look back upon Joomla in 2017, we can feel a great deal of accomplishment as a community. We have succeeded in so many ways, I would like to mention a few that were significant.

  • Completely reorganizing the leadership to be more flexible for future challenges
  • Preparing for Joomla 4
  • The best Joomla World Conference

I could not be more proud to see the commitment and dedication of the Joomla community!
We continue to be the world’s second most adopted and powerful content platform.
We continue, after twelve years, to be the strongest all volunteer open source project, beholden to no corporate interests, and forging a future based on upon the genius and determination of our volunteers.

For 2018, we are so excited to see the future with Joomla 4. Our dedicated volunteers from marketing to operations to production have been planning and working so hard to make 2018 the year of Joomla. Through our technical advancements and operation management we feel that 2018 will be Joomla’s best year ever.

Happy New Year!

Robert Jacobi, President
Open Source Matters, Inc.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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