Golden Times Ahead at J and Beyond 2015
With our theme "Golden times ahead - this is where the future of Joomla happens!" J and Beyond is the International conference for Joomla Developers and site integrators from around the world.
Moving East
J and Beyond 2015 will be held in the golden city of Prague in the Czech Republic on the last weekend of May. Still in Europe but a little bit further east as we go in search of some of the best beers in the world.
Tickets and Hotel
Thanks to sponsors we've been able to REDUCE the price of JAB15 for those people who buy their tickets now at the Blind Bird price of €199 including all meals. We also have a special offer for hotel rooms at the conference venue, just metres from your bed to the sessions - you can even wear your pyjamas.
Even more guest speakers
You told us in 2014 that the guest speakers were a highlight so we've worked hard to get even more.
- Chris Heilmann - Dedicated to making the web better Chris worked at Mozilla moving HTML5 support forward and advocating Firefox OS.
- Kayla Daniels - Author of the Code Manifesto. Passionate about clean code and strong communities, and a huge advocate for developer equality.
- Rafael Dohms - Computer Engineer, PHP Evangelist and Gamer. Loves code and growing communities. His presentation from JAB14 is in the Must-Read SlideShares of 2014.
- Robert Castley - Passionate about web performance and optimisation. Robert was the Project Leader for Mambo, which now lives on as Joomla!
- Plus more to be announced in the coming weeks
Make it Happen is Back
Repeating the successful experiment of 2014 we are once again dedicating the second day of J and Beyond to "Make it Happen". Hands-on things (and not just coding), an opportunity to immediately get involved and shape the future of Joomla as a community!
J.O.S.C.A.R and J-Factor expanded
Last year we added the J-Factor talent show to the J.O.S.C.A.R night and this year we are extending it even further with some extra special surprises. Who will ever forget Helvecio singing Wonder Joomla! or Frank and his big balls.
Still not sure - check out the movie
If you are interested in sponsoring the event to help us keep the costs as low as we can please contact
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