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Download the free Joomla! Development Guide
You have read the Joomla! 1.6 and 1.7 Beginner's Guide and want to know more?
- You are keen on doing your own stuff with Joomla!?
- You want to earn money by becoming a developer?
- Introduction
- Prepare your Workstation
- Write your own Component
- Step 1 - The Basics
- Step 2 - Database, Backend, Languages
- Step 3 - The Cool Stuff
- Write your own Module
- Write your own Plugin
- Write your own Template Overrides
- Write your own Layout Alternative
- Write your own App using Joomla! Platform
- Common mistakes
- Publish your Extension to the Joomla! Extension Directory
- What is GIT?
- Contribute Code to the Project
- Localisation using OpenTranslators
- Running a Business Around Joomla! Extensions
- What is PHP?
- What is Object-Oriented Programming?
- What is MooTools?
Thanks a lot to
- the co authors Andrea Tarr (Tarr Consulting), Alex Andreae (SourceCoast), Radek Suski (sigsiu.net) and the OpenTranslators Team.
- the proof readers Christine Graf, Isabell Schulz, Hils Cheyne, Brian Sullivan for help with proof reading and translating
- Jonathan Laming for the cover design
- the wonderful sponsors SourceCoast, The Art of Joomla, cloudaccess.net, digitalflo, JoomlaShine, VMX PRO, codingfish, JandBEYOND and New York Foto Safari
It is still possible to sponsor the book! and show your love by installing the cocoate book feed module.
Have fun :)
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