Open Source Matters: December 2010 Report
OSM is starting off the New Year in road map mode. Coordination, foresight and planning are key ingredients to a successful project. In the coming weeks a budget process and timeline will be submitted to the community for feedback. Our goal is to include a unified road map in this process with input from all the leadership. In addition to mapping our course, a road map can help identify areas for community involvement.
It is Joomla!'s active and involved community that keeps our CMS at the top, as shown in two recently published CMS market share reports. Joomla! ranks first as the CMS choice for non-profits, and is the only community-owned and operated project of the "big three" most popular CMS solutions, alongside the corporate-backed Drupal and Wordpress. And growth continues: Joomla now powers 2.6% of the Web, up from 2.4% in November (source as of Dec 20, 2010).
There is much to celebrate as we look ahead to 2011. Sponsorships are on the rise. Plans are underway to celebrate the launch of Joomla! 1.6 all around the world. Stay tuned to the Community blog and your local JUGs to find out how you can join in the fun!
OSM wishes to thank the Joomla! community for making 2010 a year of growth and forward motion!
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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