Leadership Highlights - October 2012
Joomla – the stuff great CMS's are made of! A lot happened in September – Joomla had a birthday, and also gave birth to Joomla 3.0, weighing in at 7.7 MB...
Sweet releases
September saw two important releases: 2.5.7 and 3.0! The PLT and marketing teams have been busy!
Which release is for you? Are you an early adopter dev type or a sitebuilder with a 1.5 or 2.5 website? These articles will help you choose the right version for you:
Let them eat pizza
Pizza eaters and bug squishers all around the world turned out to tidy things up before the 3.0 release. In her report Andy Tarr shows participation stats with some nifty graphs. Thanks to the folks on these lists, and the countless others who gave of their time. Every little bug counts!
Age of reason
Joomla turned 7 in September. We hope you found some time in your user group, or even all alone in front of your computer, to eat some cake and send a Happy Birthday wish to the CMS that keeps on giving!
New kids on the block
The announcement will be coming soon on the new OSM Board members. Choosing new board members is always such a hard job because we are fortunate each time to have a list of talented and dedicated people. Narrowing it down is difficult, and we give it a lot of time and discussion. Be looking for the announcement of new members soon.
September Joomla events attended by leadership:
Joomladay Colombia – Javier Gomez (OSM), Paul Orwig (OSM)
Joomladay NY – Paul Orwig (OSM), Andrea Tarr (PLT)
Joomladay Brasil – Paulo Griiettner (OSM)
Joomla Day Spain – Isidro Baquero (CLT)
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