2 minutes reading time (487 words)

Open Minds

Open Minds

One of the things I like best is looking ahead to a goal, and knowing that the skills and tools needed to meet it are available. I may not know exactly how the process will unfold — in fact it's better when I don't. That is the essence of the best kind of creative challenge. Satisfaction comes when the goal is achieved, and the different facets of the solution can be savored. Countless times my experience with Joomla! has provided exactly this kind of opportunity…

I like puzzles, strategizing and solving problems — in other words, finding solutions. Whether building websites, researching and configuring the latest templates and extensions, or working as a team on the JCM or OSM; Joomla is an empowering force. That's why we're all here. To take from it, to give back to it, to share in it.

Heady stuff

When the JCM launched in July of 2010, a lot of things had to come together to make it work. A project magazine had been attempted before, but this time heads came together successfully with a leader, a dedicated team with a range of skills, and the technology required to crank out a new magazine issue on a monthly basis. Twenty issues later, we continue to find the adventure rewarding, encouraged by community article submissions, readership and comments.

Think tank

JCM staying power is not enough. Lately we have been strapping on our thinking caps to ponder new goals to bring needed improvements. No sooner had the magazine launched when it became clear that additional features and functionalities would allow us to expand the magazine and make it a better experience. Since then, the list has continued to grow. Between the JCM team and the Joomla community, we know we have the skills and tools needed to achieve our wish-list of goals. Conversations are underway to define a process to improve content strategy, create a more efficient workflow, and organize the website for a better user experience. We are thinking about an entire redesign. We do not yet know where this brainstorming session will take us, or what specific process will unfold, but the air feels ripe with possibility.

Feet on the ground… head in Joomla!

Dreaming is important and fun, but in order to succeed in a new phase of the magazine, a well-defined process is mandatory. The coming weeks will bring discussions about plans and approaches. We hope to streamline the article submission process, organize our content better, and expand our international section. It is likely that a finalized list of specs will be published in an upcoming issue, and CCK developers will be invited to submit proposals, accompanied by a commitment of dedicated tech support. If you are interested in following these developments the conversations are taking place here: joomla-community-magazine.googlegroups.com.

On behalf of the entire JCM team, we give you the 20th issue of the The Joomla!® Community Magazine. Thanks for reading!

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project



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