Leadership Highlights from January 2012
Take a pizza crust and cover it with zesty tomato sauce. Pile it high with peppers, onions, mushrooms, pepperoni, and cheese. Add a generous pinch of Joomla! Invite your geekiest bug-squashing friends and let the fun begin. Mama mia... it's time again for Pizza Bugs and Fun!
One extra large Joomla-roni to go!
December's world-wide Pizza Bugs and Fun event was so successful, the PLT is serving up a second course of party fare. If you can code, test, or write documentation, please save the date: Saturday, March 3. Read more about it and get your local JUG involved. Eat some pizza, squash some bugs, and whatever you do, don't get them mixed up!
2.5 Release
With 2.5 we didn't just get the shiny new next version in the 6-month release cycle on time and as promised. We also get extra features and easy updates like advanced search, automatic notifications and multi-database support. Talk about perks! Get more info and the download here. "Joomla 2.5 is truly a collaborative community-driven software project developed with the feedback gathered from more than 2.5 million Joomla forum posts, 540,000 Joomla forum members and data from more than 8,800 Joomla extensions." Collaborators, you do us proud!
A forum by any other name
With the 2.5 release, the Global Moderators have taken the opportunity to restructure and rename some of the forum boards. The Joomla 1.6 / 1.7 forums have now been renamed to 2.5 / 1.7. Directly under "Joomla! Announcements" you now have "Joomla! 2.5 / Joomla! 1.7 - Ask Support Questions Here". It replaces the 1.5 support questions board which has now been moved further down, thereby giving prominence to the 2.5 long term support version.
Joomla Resources Directory brings it home
The same mapping and localization function used on the JUG directory has been added to the JRD. This will allow the JRD to focus on localized results. Now you can search listings and resources in your neighborhood and general area. The days when your fingers had to do all the walking are over! It's already getting a lot of use and new submissions are pouring in. Check out the attractive map and localized search box. There's no place like home!
JAB PLT Roadmap session
The next PLT roadmap planning session for the future direction of development will be held at JAB. Read more in "JAB is not Just Another Beer!" An exceptional group of devs gathers at JAB each year, and the potential for this session blows my mind. Don't miss this opportunity to have a voice in shaping the future of new releases.
Officers and gentlemen/women
It is that time of year again for OSM to elect the Officers of the Board from amongst its members. Officer positions are: President, Treasurer and Secretary. You can follow the discussion about board members whose terms are expiring. OSM will next be forwarding the requests of those who have indicated their willingness to continue serving to the Community Oversight Committee (COC), according to our statutes, whose responsibility it is to elect or remove board members. That process will take us to the next step of electing new board members in April, so stay tuned for a nomination sensation!
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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