By Hans van der Meer on Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Category: December

Frustrated? Don't take it out on others

Being a member of the Social Media Team sometimes gets you in the storm of a lot of comments where you can’t really do something.

Sometimes when a release goes fubar a lot of comments are made. Some are not addressed directly to our official accounts and some are. One thing to consider is that the people behind the Social Media channels have nothing to say in releases, code problems or about anything related to releases.

What does the Social Media Team do?

The main purpose of the Social Media Team is to announce the releases and promote information related to Joomla. So the Social Media Team are not developers, but volunteers helping to promote Joomla. Sure, we help from time to time but our time and knowledge is limited and there are far better places to ask questions.

What to do if you need information

I know it is perhaps a bit segmented but we have three official resources you can use when you are having problems or are looking for information.


With our documentation; at, we try to get information about our releases and its features and put it in our documentation website. Yes, it is not complete as we rely on every volunteer to share its knowledge here, this is a community-driven knowledge base.

So if you have time and the knowledge we would appreciate you helping in getting more complete documentation.


Our forum; at you can ask all kinds of questions about anything Joomla related. Here anyone can answer, there are a lot of Joomlers with knowledge who can try to solve your problem. There are also multiple localizations where you also can ask your question in your own language, to make it more accessible.


When you are familiar with coding another place you can go for when you find a problem is our Github repository. Here you can post an issue when you find a bug, try to share as much relevant information as you can. This is also the place where you can help solve the bugs that are reported.
There is also a discussion area present where code related questions can be asked:

What not to do if you need information

From the other side of the Social Media Team, I hope this provides a bit more information about where you can go when you have a problem related to Joomla. Also from the other side, yes if anything goes wrong and you point to us, please consider we are willing to try to help anyone. Pointing fingers, blaming people online, creating a twitter storm or doing anything else unmannered has never helped anyone in any way to resolve their problems. Bear in mind that we are all volunteers and doing the best we can.

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