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JWC 2016, three days to remember

JWC 2016, three days to remember

Another year, another Joomla World Conference…Once again I had a wonderful experience with the Joomla Community in Vancouver, Canada. I believe many that also attended will agree with me. It feels like powering up and boosting my brain with new and improved Joomla knowledge.

All good things come to an end very quickly

For me, it barely started it was over! When I attend Joomla World Conference, time flies by. I try and try to make it take longer in my head, but I always fail. In the following picture, Sarah Watz summarizes the event where there were lots of insights and things to learn, from presentations and from people I met there.

Sarah Watz and final keynote

It’s good to see the real person, not just a picture

Helvecio and Jenn Gress

And we could also play!

cloudaccess, one of our sponsors, provided one great surprise to all attendees of the event: a chance to enjoy a VR equipment with different environments. I had the chance to paint on air and look at my creations from different point of views. Also, I could fly over a Metropolis look-alike. Up Up and Away!

3D experience

A huge thank you to ALL sponsors

Without them the organization of JWC wouldn’t make it and the conference wouldn’t happen.

JWC Sponsors

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Joomlers: Parth Lawate
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