1 minute reading time (247 words)

Yeah Baby, I Went to Harvard!

Yeah Baby, I Went to Harvard!

When I arrived at the Harvard Medical School building for the Joomla! World Conference 2013, I took a moment to look around. In November 2012 I went to San Jose, CA, to attend the very first JWC. There, I expanded my understanding about what the Open Source community is all about, and I got involved in the Joomla community as an illustrator for the Joomla! Community Magazine. After a while I started to wonder: what's next? I went to the second Joomla! World Conference in Boston looking for an answer...

Helping to promote the Joomla Project in my local area is my goal for the coming year.

In Brazil, Joomla is being used by several governamental and educational institutions. For instance, Rio de Janeiro State University is on the verge of moving all its websites to Joomla. This is a great opportunity to draw attention to the project and show people how to join this wonderful community and help it grow even further.

I feel I have learned a lot since JWC12 by meeting people over social networks and exchanging ideas with them, thus providing me great insights about which direction to go. I want these experiences to continue, and I want to engage even further.

I am changing my life for the better with all that Joomla provides.

This year at JWC13 I found opportunities coming up that will help me share my experience with others.

I'm into it and you are invited to join!


Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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