I create the website for my business for free with Joomla - Part 2


Welcome on this 2nd episode of I create the website for my business for free with Joomla where you will learn amazing and useful things to continue building your project.

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  1499 Hits

Follow up extension developers: J4 how is it going


After our previous series last year about how extension developers are getting their extensions ready for Joomla 4, we now have contacted a few developers in how in hindsight this transition went and if they came across challenges.

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  1495 Hits

Meet the Team: Joomla Experience Team


While our beloved Joomla CMS is of high quality there are always things to improve. This can be because of changes in how the internet looks at things or just that something works better another way. The Joomla Experience Team is working on this. But I will let them explain it much better than I can in the following team interview.

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  1324 Hits

How the accessibility team works


The Internet is an integral part of our lives. Whether we want to search for information, exchange ideas, do our banking or book a train ticket. It's all possible on the web. Unfortunately, people with disabilities still fail far too often due to barriers that make it impossible for them to use such offers.

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  1240 Hits

Meet a Joomler - Andrew Barber


In this month's issue we have an interview with Andrew Barber. While perhaps not many people know of his volunteering work for Joomla, he really is helping the project a lot. Let's meet Andrew!

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  1067 Hits

Follow Up - The Joomla! Out of the Box Challenge


In September, I challenged readers to complete a small site based on a fictional brief. The goal was to see the different ways people can approach the same build, only using the features available in core Joomla. Read the original challenge here.

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  1429 Hits

The October Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the October Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  11988 Hits

New to Joomla 4.2, Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)


With 4.2, we now have a new way to authenticate our sites. Two-factor Authentication has grown outdated with many new authentication methods arriving, so along comes Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).

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  15883 Hits

Joomla 4.2 - Keyboard Shortcuts, User-defined columns, fuzzy word matching and more


Keyboard Shortcuts is a great new addition to Joomla 4.2.

The Shortcuts are a productivity feature many will find useful, plus a few hidden gems.

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  12462 Hits

I create the website for my business for free with Joomla - Part 1


Create a website for your business, it's vital nowadays. But often, we have neither the budget nor the skills. This tutorials serie will guide you until you succeed on your own!

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  12166 Hits

Meet a Joomler - Stefanie Thielmann


There are a lot of Joomlers who might not be know on a global scale but are active in more local activities. This somewhat goes for Stefanie who is now mostly active in the German speaking community, although she was also a member of an official Joomla team. Which one? Well, read this interview with Stefanie and you will find out!

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  11477 Hits

Explore the Core: Easily embed PDFs in your Joomla content


You probably know how to place images, maybe even videos in your Joomla articles. But did you know you can add PDFs that your visitors can read without having to open or download them first? It's super easy! And the good part: you don't even have to install an extension to do it. The functionality is built right into the Joomla 4 core. Here's how you do it.

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  17540 Hits

Production Team Goals - 2022/Q4


Last quarter the Production department published the teams goals for the next quarter.

The plans they wished to achieve, hoping to inspire them to succeed but also, by sharing, to encourage others outside of production to also get involved and come on board to make it all happen.

So take a look at what is planned for the next quarter and see if there is anything you can put your weight behind.

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  11416 Hits

The Joomla Force is strong in Central Europe


The German-speaking Joomla community has always been well-connected - now the connection has been strengthened.

On September 23 and 24, the joint JoomlaDay DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) took place in Bad Hersfeld (Germany) and the feedback was extremely positive.

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  1568 Hits

But I really do need Google Analytics 4, show me how to add it.


In my previous article: “As Googles Universal Analytics comes to a close, what alternatives if any do you need?” we explored Google Analytics' origin story. Took a look at whether Analytics is even right for all sites, and the impact just adding Analytics defacto can have.

And we touched on one of the alternatives out there.

Join me now in a deep dive into the setup of GA4

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  5810 Hits

Off to Cyprus, ehm, Cypress - How Joomla does its end-to-end testing


Once, there was a time when testers had to manually test everything in Joomla, clicking through all the views and features each and every time a change was made. It was exhausting, cumbersome and prone to errors.

Along came Selenium! A tool to automatically control browsers, defining long click paths through all of Joomla, repeatable, reliable, not exhausting and requiring less people-power. And the testers saw all the tests that they made, and it was very good.

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  1763 Hits

How to create a reading bar in your Joomla website


You may have noticed when you scroll down the pages in the magazine that there's a blue-coloured bar (just below the menu items at the top of the page) that moves.

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  2123 Hits

Do you logout from websites when you’re finished using them?


Before we talk about Joomla, ask yourself how often you logout of websites after you’ve finished with them?

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  1312 Hits

The September Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the September Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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  1476 Hits

Getting to know the team behind Joomla 4.3


This month we are thrilled to include a double interview with the new Joomla 4.3 release team: SD Williams and Olivier Buisard. The aim of these interviews is to let the Community know a bit more about the release leads and their plans for the future of Joomla 4.3.

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  2119 Hits

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