Can you give some Time4Joomla?


Do you sometimes wonder who the people behind the scenes are putting Joomla together? Most of the time it's users like you who have decided to give a little bit of time - answering a form post, translating some language strings, writing some documentation or perhaps testing some patches. Here's how you can give some Time4Joomla.

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My journey with Joomla


I created my Joomla business in September 2013, and since that day, I have tried to take a few minutes now and then to reflect on the path I have travelled.

Taking stock is never useless because you have to understand and analyze what did not work, appreciate what worked, and improve it even more.

I really hope that my modest experience will help you in your choices and your business.

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  2664 Hits

Design becomes reality. J4 landing page, part 2


For those just joining the story so far here is the first instalment where I discover that there is such a thing called the Joomla 3 landing page, stumble across the designs for the new Joomla 4 landing page and realise there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.

In this episode, we unpack the wonderful work that Chiara Aliotta put into the landing page before the Joomla World Conference in Rome. Get to find out what the webmasters' team do and experience the synergy that goes into making the page happen.

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DFA - Changing Africa with Joomla! & Google


My name is Justine Ayebale, Vice President – OSM (Year 2020-21). Being a Ugandan and proudly African, it was a pleasure for me to speak for Joomla! CMS at the first DFA event where Google is in partnership with the CMS for Africa organisation.

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A Security Overview of Joomla’s Checking and Validation of File Uploads


Content Management Systems are what you choose when you are not willing to build and to administrate a whole new front and backend for a website and if your content creators are not familiar with developing source code. While running your Joomla CMS there could come new demands in the matter of functionality or design from you or your users. The fast and easy way is to install a plugin that will do the magic. But that may lead to new vulnerabilities in your system. In particular, file uploads are a possible attack vector. In this article, we will talk about vulnerabilities through files and plugins.

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The August Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the August Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

It's an amazing day for all the Joomlers worldwide and we couldn't be more excited today, that finally marks the release of Joomla 4, the new major version of one of the most used Content Management Systems.

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Celebrating Joomla 4

August-J4 Hello Joomla 4.0

In September 2012, Barack Obama had just accepted the second Democratic nomination for US President and his second campaign and election was still to come. In sport, tennis had a new name: Andy Murray, who won his first Grand slam event that month. The world was gripped by the Olympics that summer, the London Olympics.

I was still to become a Grandad. And on the 27th of September 2012, Joomla 3 was released.

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Joomla turns 16

August-Birthday Happy birthday Joomla!

At the last meeting of the magazine team, we came up with the proposal to have an article in the August issue celebrating Joomla's 16th birthday. The main idea was to ask several Joomlers how Joomla has affected/changed their lives in these 16 years. Because at the JCM we love to hear Joomla stories. Each of the participants in this meeting started to tell, very briefly, how Joomla changed their life. At that point we said, how about this time we, the JCM team, tell our experience with Joomla?

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Explore the core! The Joomla 4 Dashboard

August-J4CP Joomla 4 Control Panel

When you're new to Joomla (or just new to Joomla 4), your first impression of the Joomla administrator can be a little overwhelming. So many possibilities, and what do all these things even mean? Don’t worry. We’ve all been there. In this series, experienced Joomla users help you find your way. In this month’s issue, Vivana Menzel gives you a guided tour through the heart of the backend: the dashboard. Enjoy!

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Leadership Interviews: Robert Deutz

August-Robert Robert Deutz

Robert Deutz has been involved in the community for a long time, mostly in Production roles. He decided to run for president after a failed election, thinking it was a good idea to have someone relatively ‘fresh’ on the OSM board. In this interview done just a few days after he took up the role, we try to know a bit more about him and his ideas for Joomla.

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Joomla's L10N-hearted

August-L10N Joomla Localization

Localisation is at Joomla's heart. Currently supporting over 75 world languages for Joomla 3, Joomla! speaks more languages than any other content management system. Joomla 4 is launching today with over 20 language packs available. Many more will follow quickly with the community's help.

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Pre-Update Check - Your path to Joomla 4


Joomla 4's now available, but if you're thinking about upgrading from Joomla 3.9, here's some important things to keep in mind before you click the Update button.

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Recruitment, Retention and Recognition


With the release of Joomla 4.0, Joomlers - Joomla's hard-working volunteers - are as important as ever. Whether you're completing an occasional task to support the project, a regular contributor to a team's activities, a member of a team or working group, right through to the various levels of leadership in the organisation, I thank you on behalf of Joomla and look forward to many years of contributions to come.

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How I learned Joomla - Peter Martin


Peter Martin’s very first website was a one-pager. And no, not last year: in 1996! You could say he was way ahead of his time. Peter loves open source (he’s also an active member of the Linux community) and he likes working with Joomla because of its stability, flexibility, extensibility… and us, the community. He learned Joomla by getting his hands dirty and examining what goes on under the hood.

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Joomla 3.10: End of Support Handling

August-3-EOL Joomla 3 EOL

As documented in the announcement of Joomla 3.10 as well in a recent magazine article, Joomla 3.10 is a bridge between the Joomla 3.x series and 4.x. It will be initially released together with 4.0.0 and starting from there gets two years of official support.

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16 year old Lena created her own website: “It was actually really fun to do!”


She's exactly the same age as Joomla. She had an Instagram account, and a shop on Etsy, but 16 year old Lena wanted more: her own website, with her own design and her own content, where she could show all the creative things she does. With a little help from her mother, she managed to get it up and running in just two weeks. They had a lot of fun creating it, and Lena was surprised about how easy it was to build a Joomla website: “I thought making a website was way more difficult.

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Getting extensions ready for Joomla 4 - Chetan Madaan (JoomDev)


As you may have discovered by now, Joomla 4 Stable is out! This is the time you might start to worry about your extensions. Are they compatible? And if they’re not, will they ever be? And if they’ll be compatible, when?

You might have heard about Joomla 3.10 being the bridge to a smooth transition from version 3.x to 4, but maybe you need a little more reassurance. We get that, and that is why your very own JCM asks the developers where they are right now when it comes to compatibility.

This month we interviewed Chetan Madaan from Joomdev, the people behind numerous templates and extensions, including the popular Astroid Framework.

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Custom Fields - Episode 6: Make more with extensions

July-CustomFields Extensions to extend Custom Fields

After 5 Episodes in the Joomla Community Magazine about Custom Fields in Joomla core, obviously you know how powerful they are. But as a human being, you always dream of more...

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  6170 Hits

Designing the Joomla 4 landing page - part 1

August-J4landingpage Joomla 4 landing page

On becoming Media and Communications Director I worked through the jobs that were on the to-do lists. One looked so simple - Joomla 4 landing page.

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The July Issue


The JCM Team is proud to present you the July Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

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