Joomla! at HostingCon Global 2017

Joomla! at HostingCon Global 2017

Joomla! returned to HostingCon Global for our second appearance with high expectations. Last year we made our debut at HostingCon Global and HostingCon Europe and discovered how important it is for Joomla to attend these type of events.

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  33026 Hits

5 Tips for First Time Joomla Bloggers

5 Tips for First Time Joomla Bloggers

Here are some helpful tips to help you have a lot more success when starting with Joomla.

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جوملا در سالی که گذشت

جوملا در سالی که گذشت

سال 1395 خورشیدی به پایان رسید و یک سال دیگر ما کاربران جوملا «همه با هم» و ترجمان «جوملا» در عمل بودیم. این همکاری داوطلبانه نتایج خوبی برای پروژه جوملا و جامعه کاربران به دنبال داشت. ضمن تبریک نوروز و سال نو، در ادامه اتفاقاتی که نتیجه این همبستگی در سال گذشته بود را مرور می‌کنیم:

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Joomla! to attend DaVinci's Faire 2017

Joomla! to attend DaVinci's Faire 2017

Joomla! is making its first appearance at the Davinci Faire and BarCamp in Sarasota, Florida.  The event draws more than 600 people from across the gulf coast gathered at the Manatee Technical College to talk tech and show off their latest creations. 

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  5679 Hits

JUG Round Up April 2017

JUG Round Up April 2017

In March, the JUG Team sent out their first of what will be a monthly newsletter to JUG Organisers. The topic was merely to ask Organisers to come and check their listings on the JUG Directory for accuracy.

We had a number of bounced email addresses and have opened tickets wherever possible to get more listings up to date. Many JUGs updated their listings. Thank you!

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  4696 Hits

Joomla is NOT Free!

Joomla is NOT Free!

The concept of an open-source, 100% community project may seem to be a small portion of the software industry today. It was even less common over 10 years ago when Joomla! was founded. However, 100% volunteer organisations have been around for many years - providing relief to those in crisis and facing all sorts of challenges, promoting social change, and encouraging personal improvement. Each of these organisations rely on people to contribute to the cause solely to help other people.

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  14936 Hits

The Top 10 Most Read Articles in 2016

The Top 10 Most Read Articles in 2016

We had a look at our site stats in 2016 and found great articles that are examples of what makes a great magazine. In this issue, we are counting down the Top-10 Joomla! Community Magazine (JCM) 2016 articles that received the most views throughout the past year.

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  7303 Hits

Joomla April 2017 Round-Up

Joomla April 2017 Round-Up

It's April and the change of the season brings great news for the Joomla Community. In this article, we will highlight some points of interest for our readers. JaB'17 awardees have been announced, Joomla! 3.x series is coming to an end and Joomla! 3.7 Beta 4 has been released, bringing some great and cool new features.

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  5873 Hits

Blog Category (Part II) with Micro-Layout and Language Overrides

Blog Category (Part II) with Micro-Layout and Language Overrides

It is always a challenge to give a Blog category view a unique and attractive look.

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A tag line that sticks

A tag line that sticks

I have recently taken over as the team lead of the Capitals Committee, which is the part of the organisation in charge of handling our income from sponsorships and advertising. One of my first tasks is to get some stickers designed for use at tradeshows. The thing about stickers is that they are small and are not very good promotional material unless people actually stick them on something (ideally their laptop, car, office wall, bags or similar visible area).

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  5980 Hits

New Board of Directors and GSoC 2017

New Board of Directors and GSoC 2017

March brings great and exciting news for the Joomla Community! The ballots are closed and we have the new Board of Directors. Also, we got the news that Joomla! has been selected for Google Summer of Code 2017!

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  5817 Hits

JoomlaDay Florida 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay Florida 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay's are an excellent way to unite our community on a local level and this year's JoomlaDay Florida went far beyond Florida.  Joomlers from across the United States, South American, Canada, Europe, and Jamaica took part in the two-day Joomla showcase. 

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Джумляне: Денис Двали

Джумляне: Денис Двали

В этом выпуске журнал "Joomla Community Magazine" беседует с Денисом Двали, русским разработчиком из Архангельска, основателем и создателем расширений системы Joomla! "JomSocial Profile Pro", "Community Builder Profile Pro" и "Magic Window". Читайте в нашем интервью о том, как Денис, столкнувшись с недостатком одного из расширений Joomla! и обучаясь самостоятельно, стал разработчиком, его рекомендации тем, кто бы хотел встать на этот же путь, его мысли о преимуществах и недостатках системы Joomla! и о его любимых блюде, книге и домашнем животном.

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JUG Round Up March 2017

JUG Round Up March 2017

February was a slower month in the JUG community around the world. Perhaps we’re all hibernating or just plain busy.

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Sobreviviendo al Joomla! Super Sprint de Londres

Sobreviviendo al Joomla! Super Sprint de Londres

En enero tuve la oportunidad de participar de tres días intensos de colaboración y voluntariado para la gestión del proyecto Joomla!. Desde el punto de vista de un terráqueo, llegué el viernes a Londres y volví el martes a Oviedo. Sin pausa, fueron 3 días de trabajo continuo, aprovechando al máximo el tiempo disponible. En un solo lugar, pudimos resolver temas propios de cada equipo y coordinar tareas que afectan a varias áreas. En este periodo, sumamos al proyecto el trabajo contribuido continuo de 37 voluntarios durante jornadas maratónicas de 10-12 horas. Un tiempo precioso que cada uno pudo sumar a Joomla!, restando del ocio, la vida familiar o del trabajo diario.



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  3560 Hits

Extensiones para la personalización del panel de administración de Joomla!

Extensiones para la personalización del panel de administración de Joomla!

Continuando con el artículo del mes anterior sobre cómo personalizar la plantilla de administración de Joomla!, este mes vengo con más información sobre cómo adaptar la parte de Back a través de una serie de extensiones. Estas extensiones te van a ayudar a ponerle la vida más fácil a los administradores del sitio ya que se incrementa la usabilidad del panel de administración.

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Explorando las entrañas de Joomla!

Explorando las entrañas de Joomla!

Sin duda que para este momento debes estar sorprendido(a) por lo fácil y rápido que te ha resultado el tener ya la estructura base de tu sitio web en línea (o en todo caso, trabajando en tu servidor local). En este artículo te llevaré a echar un vistazo rápido a cada rincón del lado administrador, para familiarizarte con las opciones que te ofrece; en posteriores artículos estaré profundizando en cada una de las secciones y su uso.

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Joomla! Super Sprint en Londres - del 21 al 23 de enero de 2017 - Una retrospectiva sobre un evento fantástico.

Joomla! Super Sprint en Londres - del 21 al 23 de enero de 2017 - Una retrospectiva sobre un evento fantástico.

Escrito por Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall - Traducido por Andrea Gentil

El primer Super Sprint de Joomla! se llevó a cabo en el CitizenM Bankside de Londres el fin de semana del 21 al 23 de enero de 2017. Contamos con asistentes de 15 países (Alemania, Canadá, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia,España, Grecia, India, Irlanda, Malasia, Países Bajos, San Martín ( Francia - Colectividad de Ultramar), Suecia, Suiza, Reino Unido y EE.UU.), un total de 37 asistentes con 6 equipos oficialmente representados.



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Joom-ляне: Мерав Нафо

Joom-ляне: Мерав Нафо

В конце 2014 года владелец и Мерав Нафо любезно согласилась побеседовать с журналом "Joomla! Community Magazine" о главных для ее команды моментах в 2014 году, но ввиду непредвиденных организационных проблем это интервью публикуется только сейчас. Читайте в нем о том, как она стала новым "шерифом" в "городке" JomSocial, который она приобрела в 2012 году; о том, как она и ее команда стремятся вызвать у своих покупателей "Ого!"; о ее любимом блюде "Суши" и о том, как сегодняшний выпускник должен подходить к осуществлению своей мечты создать свой собственный бизнес по веб-разработкам.

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Joomla! returns to HostingCon Global

Joomla! returns to HostingCon Global

Last year Joomla! made its first appearance at HostingCon Global 2016, the premier hosting and networking conference. The four-day event was a complete success with a two-hour session on how Joomla! can increase your ROI and the Joomla! in the Exposition Hall. We made many new friends and connections. Mike Demopolous was on fire, holding over forty one-on-one meetings that gained several new sponsors for the project.

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