Joomla 3.5: desde 8-bits a Unicode completo

Joomla 3.5: desde 8-bits a Unicode completo

Desde un punto de vista histórico, en computación, podemos atestiguar cómo la representación de los caracteres idiomáticos fue evolucionando. Desde la básica codificación binaria de 0 y 1, cada bit fue agregando más expresividad. Hoy, Joomla 3.5 llegó para introducir en nuestra comunidad el actual estándar de oro, Unicode 4-bytes completo (Utf8mb4).

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  2801 Hits

Making a successful membership site with Joomla

Making a successful membership site with Joomla

What do your members want? It is important to deliver what your members want, NOT what they need. Hang in there with me and I’ll explain.

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  9913 Hits

Avoid Elegant Code: Use These 3 Principles Instead

Avoid Elegant Code: Use These 3 Principles Instead

There are terabytes of poorly written code in the Internet's Joomla population.  This is because of the nature of Joomla as an extensible application. It's wonderful because anyone can create a solution for it and it's horrible because anyone can create a solution for it.  Because Joomla sites interweave the efforts and knowledge of hundreds of developers across space and time the highest virtue that its code can aspire to is cleanliness.  If you've never heard of code referred to as clean, what it boils down to is simply code that is easy to read, write, and maintain. In this article, will look at why elegant code should be avoided and three simple principles to writing good, clean, Joomla code.

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  15981 Hits

Five Reasons To Choose Joomla

Five Reasons To Choose Joomla

There are more CMS platform choices than ever. All of them boast powerful features but it’s not always clear how these features help us in real life. These are five reasons why many people choose Joomla to accomplish website goals and solve real world website challenges.

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  19538 Hits

Joomla! for the rebels

Joomla! for the rebels

Yes, I have a rebellious soul. I'm almost a Brazilian Katniss Everdeen. And this is the reason why the Joomla! Project attracted me. First of all, because Joomla! - as an open source project - brings the values of collaboration and user empowerment that are very pleasing to me.

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  11287 Hits

نکات مفید برای بالا بردن سرعت سایت جوملا

نکات مفید برای بالا بردن سرعت سایت جوملا

در اینجا پنج کاری که می توانید برای بالا بردن سرعت وب سایت وکمک به  کاربران  خود داشته باشید تا از سایت شما لذت ببرند بیان شده است.

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  7045 Hits

Interview: Puneet Kala - GSoC Team

Interview: Puneet Kala - GSoC Team

Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school. This year, the Joomla Project is once again present and JCM talked to Puneet Kala, who is leading the group through this exciting moment.

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  6185 Hits

Introducing GSoC 2016 Team

Introducing GSoC 2016 Team

We are proud to introduce to Joomla! Community the team of students selected to join us for the Google Summer of Code 2016. They show all our J!Diversity. Considering students and mentors, we have men and women from all continents in the world coding with us over next summer. 

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  7966 Hits

How to Upgrade Your Website PHP Version

How to Upgrade Your Website PHP Version

If you are reading this post, chances are your website is running with an ancient version of PHP. You are not alone, PHP version 5.3 is used by 31.1% of all the websites and 5.4 has 29% share. Both of this PHP version already reached end of its life and no more security update will be provided. That means, you are already in big security risk!

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  161472 Hits

Stretching Configuration.php for Git

Stretching Configuration.php for Git

My company worked on a web application that was basically an extension of the Joomla 2.5 core a few years ago.  We took over the app from another development company that had gotten stuck (we never would have modified the core.) It was being deployed to AWS and the original developers altered the configuration.php file to return different values from their local environments based upon environmental variables set by Amazon's cloud servers. When I saw this I thought, "There has got to be a better way."

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  10048 Hits

J and Beyond 2016 - a family gathering!

J and Beyond 2016 - a family gathering!

Joomla! Is often referred to as a large extended family, with that in mind, it goes without saying that JandBeyond is certainly considered to be "The Family Meeting" par excellence of the Joomla! Event calendar.

Now in its seventh year, this year’s edition of JandBeyond sees the Joomla! community gather in Barcelona, the colorful, lively, creative Spanish city on the stunning Mediterranean coast. In Barcelona soulfulness, vitality, impressive architecture and an element of high-tech combine to make a unique melting pot brimming with creative energy, the parallels to the lifeblood of the Joomla! community could not be clearer.

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  7858 Hits

Celebrating Joomla in All Seasons

Celebrating Joomla in All Seasons

In many cultures, Autumn and Spring are times of festivals celebrating harvest and thanksgiving, or life, renewal and rebirth.


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  7830 Hits

Translating Joomla Community Magazine Articles

Translating Joomla Community Magazine Articles

The international Joomla Community Magazine is a major repository of knowledge about Joomla. It holds valuable content, generally in english. Every now and then, some contributors take the time to translate these articles into their native languages. In this article I present some tips and tricks for translators to help them improve their contribution.

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  7718 Hits

Joomla 3.5: from 8-bit ASCII to full Unicode

Joomla 3.5: from 8-bit ASCII to full Unicode

From a historical point of view, in computing, we can testify how character representation has evolved. Since the basic binary encoding of 0s and 1s, each bit has added more expressiveness. Today, Joomla 3.5 is here to introduce the current gold standard, full 4-byte Unicode (Utf8mb4).

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  11295 Hits

Helpful Tips for Speeding Up your Joomla Site

Helpful Tips for Speeding Up your Joomla Site

Here are 5 things that you can do right now to both speed up your website and help your users have a much more enjoyable experience on your website.

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  13764 Hits

Avoid Duplicate Content With A Menu Item Alias

Avoid Duplicate Content With A Menu Item Alias

The Alias Menu Item Type is an often overlooked type of Menu Item that is available in Joomla. In plain terms, it is used to create a Menu Item that links to an existing Menu Item. We can use them to create a duplicate menu item without creating a duplicate URL or duplicating content. It is very simple to use and it can solve SEO and content management challenges in Joomla.

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  18727 Hits

A Selfless Effort to Grow Together

A Selfless Effort to Grow Together

Quite a sarcasm it is whenever we hear 'selfless' in this world where being self-less is actually less or rare. We are trained now a days by our elders that 'every person is selfish today, be careful..ssshhhh!'. Does this happen with you all as well ? If yes, then read further to break their heart with the power of our community love and to prove them that it is no more a reality but a mere illusion because We Have Joomla! here :)

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  6872 Hits

JCM: Looking Into The Future

JCM: Looking Into The Future

The Joomla Community Magazine (JCM) is starting to undergo some changes. Since its re-launch in 2010, JCM has been helping to tell the story of how far the Joomla Community has come.

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  9031 Hits

L’Incontro di Joomla con Il Mondo Cattolico

L’Incontro di Joomla con Il Mondo Cattolico

Alcuni giorni fa ho avuto la grande opportunità di partecipare con L’associazione Joomla!Lombardia ed il Team di Web Advisor ad una giornata di lavoro con i missionari Saveriani, non vi nascondo l’emozione di portare il nostro amato CMS in un ambito così prestigioso,  con delegati ufficiali dello Stato Vaticano e Missionari provenienti da tutto il Mondo.

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  4629 Hits

Qualifying for Premium Projects Only

Qualifying for Premium Projects Only

Have you ever had someone approach you to complete a project and spent days on interviews, emails, and research in order to develop a proposal only to have them push back on price? They want a Facebook clone crossed with Kickstarter and you discover too late that they only have a $500 budget. It can make you want to pull your hair out when your prospect goes from excited only to suddenly vanish once they see the cost of what they're asking for.

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  7415 Hits

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