A Thank You to OSM & the Joomla Community from CloudAccess.net

A Thank You to OSM & the Joomla Community from CloudAccess.net

We want to send a big thank you to Open Source Matters and the entire Joomla Community for allowing us to be the official host of demo program for the past four and a half years. We were fortunate to serve the community in this capacity for so long and we look forward to making a lot of great contributions to the project for years to come.

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  12006 Hits

A Dream, Which we Dream Together, is Reality

A Dream, Which we Dream Together, is Reality

There is a popular Brazilian song, Preludio by Raul Seixas, that includes the lyric "A dream, which we dream alone, is just a dream. A dream, which we dream together, is reality”. I’ve listened to songs in Brazil this year. I’ve listened to songs in Germany, Poland, and other places too as I traveled from here to there speaking and learning about Joomla. In all of those places, just like all the places I’ve been before, I had great experiences meeting and talking with different people, learning about cultures, sharing knowledge, offering help and contributing to a common dream.

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  18120 Hits

Leadership Highlights October 2014

Leadership Highlights October 2014

Work in Progress - Though the sign might be annoying from time to time when you see it, at least you know it’s there with the ultimate goal to get something improved. And as much as we wish to get things right from the start on, we all know that help is needed to finally achieve that perfect goal.

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  11064 Hits

A Thank You to CloudAccess.net

A Thank You to CloudAccess.net

About 5 years ago Open Source Matters decided to start a demo program and put out a call for an RFP to hosting companies. For almost four and half years Cloud Access has hosted this service for the Joomla project. It is something that now comes to an end. OSM and the Joomla Community want to express their gratefulness to the team of Cloud Access and say...

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  15164 Hits

Joomla! World Conference 2014, Get Your Tickets Now!

Joomla! World Conference 2014, Get Your Tickets Now!

The upcoming Joomla World Conference is just around the corner! I recently sat down with Jon Neubauer, one of the JWC organizers, to learn more about the JWC and everything that is planned. Read through and take advantage of the JCM discount code!

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  15468 Hits

Der neue Joomla! Release Zyklus

Der neue Joomla! Release Zyklus

Seit dem Erscheinen von Joomla 3.2 hat sich bezüglich Release-Strategie einiges getan: Die Idee von LTS und STS Versionen ist Vergangenheit. Am 7. April 2014 wurde eine neue Release - Strategie veröffentlicht, welche den bisherige Ansatz durch einen Wechsel zu einem logischeren Major  / Minor Release System ersetzt. Damit macht ein Warten auf eine Version 3.5 keinen Sinn mehr. Zeit zum Upgrade!


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  24343 Hits

La création d'un article avec Joomla! n'a jamais été aussi facile !

La création d'un article avec Joomla! n'a jamais été aussi facile !

Joomla est excessivement flexible et offre de multiples possibilités. Cependant, lorsque vous travaillez avec, ceci peut apparaître comme un inconvénient tant les paramétrages et les options de navigation sont nombreux. Pour un spécialiste de Joomla, habituellement, ceci n'est pas un problème mais, pour beaucoup d'utilisateurs cela peut être une pierre d'achoppement. L'ajout de nouveaux articles via le site (en frontend) est souvent le premier contact d’un utilisateur avec Joomla. De fait, cette opération devrait s’avérer excessivement simple, pourtant, nombreux sont à la trouver très complexe.

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  29251 Hits

Joomla! World Conference 2014, achetez vos billets maintenant !

Joomla! World Conference 2014, achetez vos billets maintenant !

La prochaine Conférence Mondiale Joomla! arrive à grands pas (du 7 au 9 novembre 2014) ! Je me suis récemment entretenue avec Jon Neubauer, un des organisateurs du JWC, pour en apprendre plus sur cet évènement et sur ce qui est prévu. Parcourez cet article et bénéficiez du code de réduction spécial JCM !

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  13834 Hits

A New and Improved Joomla! Resources Directory

A New and Improved Joomla! Resources Directory

The NEW Joomla Resources Directory takes center stage at http://resources.joomla.org with the goal to empower Joomla users to “Connect and Do More” After several years of deliberation, feature enhancements and development, the Joomla Resources Directory (JRD) team proudly presents to the community a fantastic, updated providers resource directory.

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  14988 Hits

Great Results at JoomlaDay México City 2014

Great Results at JoomlaDay México City 2014

For the third time a JoomlaDay took place in Mexico, this year on July 17-18, a 2-day event organized by the Official Mexico City JUG. I can summarize the #JdayMX14 by saying that it was: participatory, international, and with many new faces.

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  9389 Hits

Fantastic Joomlaholics' Meeting in Jawor, Poland

Fantastic Joomlaholics' Meeting in Jawor, Poland

Meetings between Joomla! enthusiasts surprise me each time! These EXCELLENT people who want to study in order to know everything about Joomla. Relationships become something more than only a common training, work, or doing business. Warmly, I thank you for the time spent together and these happy moments together. Our first Lower Silesia meeting of Joomla enthusiasts was held on the first day of holidays, June 6, 2014. I will repeat it once again: IT WAS EXCELLENT!

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  8531 Hits

Et si on se penchait sur la sécurité de votre site Joomla! ?

Et si on se penchait sur la sécurité de votre site Joomla! ?

Et si on se penchait sur la sécurité de votre site Joomla! ? Vous l’aimez bien votre site, vous le trouvez beau ; vous y avez consacré tellement d'énergie. Vous êtes fier du résultat et nul doute que vous pouvez l'être. Votre site est beau et utile.  Vous l’avez mis sur le net pour en faire profiter le plus grand nombre. Permettez-moi de faire une comparaison : imaginons que votre site devienne votre maison. Quand vous n’êtes pas chez vous, laissez-vous la porte ouverte ? Vos baies vitrées sont-elles grandes ouvertes en votre absence ? Non, bien sûr. Et votre site internet ? Avez-vous songé à fermer les portes et les fenêtres afin d'éviter que des cambrioleurs n'y pénètrent ?

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  35990 Hits

Developing JSON API with Joomla Framework

Developing JSON API with Joomla Framework

At the end of 2013 I was asked to develop a web app for creating interactive calculators called Calculoid. It was as exciting for me as for a kid at candy store, first because I was the one who could choose technologies for this project, and second because it was the same week the shiny new Joomla Framework was released. I decided to develop the app as a Single Page Application (SPA) with AngularJS at the client side and at the server side I decided to use, as you can probably guess, the Joomla Framework.

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  25396 Hits

Le cache de Joomla!

Le cache de Joomla!

Si vous cherchez à optimiser votre site Joomla!, si vous souhaitez augmenter le niveau de satisfaction de vos visiteurs en leur offrant une navigation plus rapide, plus fluide et plus agréable, alors le contenu de cet article devrait certainement vous plaire.
Une des solutions à votre disposition nativement dans Joomla! est la gestion du cache. Vous connaissez (plus ou moins) cette option qui permet justement d'accroitre la vitesse d'affichage de votre site.
Nous allons voir au travers de cet article comment fonctionne ce cache, comment vous allez pouvoir en tirer profit et même, réaliser un petit exercice pratique.

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  26966 Hits

Socialement votre

Socialement votre

Les réseaux sociaux sont devenus totalement incontournables. Est-ce un bien, est-ce un mal ? Difficile de juger, mais leur intégration dans les sites web, quels qu'ils soient, est devenu inévitable. Echanger des informations concernant son site avec Facebook et Google+ ne peut plus être ignoré des webmasters. A tel point que Facebook, toujours à la pointe de ce genre d'ouverture a diffusé en 2010 une API pour ce faire : Open Graph. Comme toute API, celle-ci a ses règles, les ignorer ou pour le moins ne pas connaître leurs grands principes conduit à des fonctionnements... étranges. Dans cet article, vous allez apprendre à ajouter des meta-tags à vos articles afin que Facebook et consors sachent plus précisément ce que vous souhaitez mettre en avant. Avant d'aller plus loin avec Open Graph, commençons par un petit tour d'horizon de ce que l'on peut faire avec Joomla! sans (gros) effort.

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  16452 Hits

Summary for Date Package, Part 1

Summary for Date Package, Part 1

Unfortunately, summer is ending. Let's take a look how I dealt with a GSoC project for our brand new date package.

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  10620 Hits

Web Driver System Test of Joomla! CMS

Web Driver System Test of Joomla! CMS

I have just completed my work in the System Testing Joomla Google Summer of Code Project. I have spent enough time on finding different aspects in which Joomla! can be tested and then writing tests for it. I hope that my work serves to improve the Joomla CMS quality and helps the entire Joomla community.

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  13325 Hits

Reaching the End of Summer with SQL Optimization

Reaching the End of Summer with SQL Optimization

GSoC 2014 with the Project named SQL Optimization for Joomla CMS has come to an end which can be considered as a success full project according to my opinion. This project was not only otoptimize the queries but also to analyze the weaknesses and to find solution as well as research in new enhancements. After four months of hard work I came up with some solutions which can be identfied as the first step of a long journey of Joomla!'s database optimization. The vision of this project was to give my contribution to make Joomla! better than other Content Management Syetems and I hope I have given a contribution which will be a starting step of a long journey.

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  13678 Hits

Upcoming Joomla! Events - September & October 2014

Upcoming Joomla! Events - September & October 2014

With a variety of Joomla events spread across five continents during September and October, there is definitely something for everyone everywhere. Joomla User Group (JUG) meetings and JoomlaDays™ are intended for everyone from casual users to core developers. Visit the Joomla Events site to browse all events, submit an event or learn how to organize an event for your group or community.

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  14353 Hits

10-Minute Joomla SEO & Conversion Makeover

10-Minute Joomla SEO & Conversion Makeover

There's a few objectives that pretty much all websites have in common and one way or another they all depend on SEO. Joomla! can be your friend, with out of the box SEO and functionality enabling you to attract your target market, convert visitors and rank higher. We've set ourselves a 10 minute time limit... so let's get cracking.

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