RTL Administrator Template, and More!

RTL Administrator Template, and More!

What do you think about the administrator panel of Joomla! 3.x? The opinions are split. I for one got some serious negative feedback from my clients not wanting to upgrade, saying that the panel is not user friendly. Some of them said they were used to the old panel and it's hard for them to make the learning curve once again. Add to that the fact that most templates are not designed for RTL (right-to-left) languages, and in an RTL country like Israel, you are stuck. 

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  38057 Hits

Leadership Highlights March 2014

Leadership Highlights March 2014

If there is one thing we never have to worry about, it is the vibrancy of our Joomla! community, and how involved our community members are, on topics of all kinds, and even better, all over the entire world!

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  13895 Hits

JoomlaDay Boston 2014

JoomlaDay Boston 2014

Join us at the Microsoft NERD Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts for two days of Joomla! learning, sharing, and networking! We have an exciting weekend planned, so bring your tablet, laptop and thinking cap... we are going deep! 

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  11355 Hits

Facebook et votre site Joomla!

Facebook et votre site Joomla!

"Je souhaite que mon site Web s’intègre avec Facebook." Cela pourrait sembler précis, mais cela ne l'est pas. Facebook est un site Web énorme et Joomla est un CMS toujours en évolution, aussi les manières dont les deux puissent fonctionner ensemble sont variées et intéressantes. Être sûr de ce que vous voulez (et ne voulez pas) vous aidera à obtenir l'intégration Facebook que vous désirez sur votre site Web.

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  23044 Hits

LTS ou STS ?… Telle est la question !

LTS ou STS ?… Telle est la question !

Un nouveau site doit être construit et vous êtes confronté à une question. Construire ce site avec l’actuelle version de support à long terme (LTS) ou avec la dernière version de support à court terme (STS) ? La réponse est, bien sûr, ça dépend. Votre expérience sera différente selon le choix que vous ferez. Cet article va couvrir les différentes catégories de propriétaires de site, et ce qu’ils attendent pour leurs sites, les points clés à prendre en considération et quelques exemples de scénarios.

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  14705 Hits

Pratique du développement (épisode 1)

Pratique du développement (épisode 1)

Que vous écriviez du code PHP ou stylisiez un site Web avec les feuilles de style en cascade (CSS), il existe une gamme d'outils qui peuvent vous rendre la vie beaucoup plus facile et qui vous permettront de vous concentrer sur l'écriture d’un code de bonne qualité rapidement et efficacement.
Cette série d'articles “pratique du développement” se concentrera sur l'utilisation de PhpStorm comme environnement de développement et examinera sept sujets.

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  13872 Hits

Joomla! CMS, Joomla! Framework, en Licenties

Joomla! CMS, Joomla! Framework, en Licenties

Het waren drukke dagen de afgelopen tijd binnen onze community zoals je die voorheen niet veel zag. Twitter draaide overuren door de feedback vergezeld van de Joomla! hashtag, en dat is mooi. Het is goed om de community actief betrokken te zien, zelfs over onderwerpen die gepassioneerde discussies veroorzaken. We zijn allemaal leden van dezelfde community.

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  12336 Hits

Joomla Certification - We Keep On Moving!

Joomla Certification - We Keep On Moving!

In this and an upcoming article, I would like to provide all the available information about the evolution of the Joomla Certification program, the actions performed so far, and a firsthand look by one of the team leaders at the future of this interesting project.


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  20831 Hits

Practical Development 2: Working Environment

Practical Development 2: Working Environment

The second in a series of articles on practical development, dealing with your working environment in developing for Joomla! Consult last month's introduction for what to expect.

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  29847 Hits

All You Need is (Joomla!) Love...

All You Need is (Joomla!) Love...

The month of February is the month of love, and Joomler's know how to spread the Joomla! love!!

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  19618 Hits

Pesquisa da insdustria Joomleira no Brasil 2013

Pesquisa da insdustria Joomleira no Brasil 2013

No dia 15 de Julho de 2013  tendo visto uma antiga pesquisa do ano de 2012 (nem tão antiga assim) sobre a industria do Joomla no Brasil. Resolvi fazer uma nova pesquisa, queria saber assim como queriam saber em 2012 como anda a comunidade Joomla no Brasil. Com a ajuda de algumas pessoas da comunidade formulamos as perguntas. Pessoalmente eu queria 300 respostas, mas, não conseguimos as 300 respostas, embora eu saiba muito bem que o número de pessoas na comunidade Joomla do Brasil seja muito grande. Eu me pergunto por que não conseguimos as 300 respostas. Você tem uma possível resposta ? Deixe suas conclusões nos comentários. 


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  9364 Hits

Some Tips for SEO in Joomla 3.0

Some Tips for SEO in Joomla 3.0

Everyday there are countless websites set up on the Internet and thousands of websites built with Joomla. So if you are not actively implement the ads for your website on the search engines, it’ll gradually be forgotten. Joomla Users certainly are very interested in Joomla SEO. Beside the basic support functions Joomla SEO Setting, there are too many different choices so that you can feel overwhelming.


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  69174 Hits

To LTS or STS?... That is the Question!

To LTS or STS?... That is the Question!

A fresh new site needs to be built and you’re faced with a decision. To build this site with the current Joomla! Long Term Support (LTS) release or the latest Joomla! Short Term Support (STS) release? The answer is, of course, it depends. Your experience will be different depending on the choice you make. This article will cover categories of site owners and what they expect for their sites, key points for consideration and some example scenarios.

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  29221 Hits

En savoir plus sur la Certification Joomla!

En savoir plus sur la Certification Joomla!

Les travaux sur la certification progressent : c'est un projet dans lequel la présence des membres de la communauté Joomla! parlant espagnol est très importante ; un projet où sont représentés plus d'une douzaine de pays et de continents différents ; en résumé, un projet né de la fusion d'expériences diverses et qui marquera un avant et après dans la qualité des certifications d'un CMS.

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  9821 Hits

Practical Development

Practical Development

Whether you are writing PHP code or styling a website with cascading style sheets (CSS), there are a range of tools which can make your life much easier and allow you to focus on writing good quality code quickly and efficiently. This "practical development" series of articles will focus on using PhpStorm as a development environment and will consider seven topics.

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  19439 Hits

Joomla! 3.2 New Features: Extension Finder

Joomla! 3.2 New Features: Extension Finder

The most important feature that was released with version 3.2 of Joomla, in my opinion, is without a doubt the "Joomla Extension Finder aka Install from Web" which allows you to install extensions listed in the JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) in a simple and rapid way directly from the control panel.

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  23409 Hits

What Exactly Goes Into Making a Release of the CMS?

What Exactly Goes Into Making a Release of the CMS?

Last summer, I was lucky enough to inherit many of the responsibilities as it pertains to coordinating and executing releases of the Joomla! CMS. Little did I know at the time, but there are a lot of details and individuals involved in the full release cycle. So, what exactly goes into making a release of the CMS?

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  13566 Hits

Building Joomla Web-Help Systems - Part 1: Choosing an Environment

Building Joomla Web-Help Systems - Part 1: Choosing an Environment

This is the first in a short series of articles intended to help technical writers and instructional designers learn how to build Joomla web-help systems. However, if you’re not a professional writer, you may still have an interest in the topic. For example, maybe you’re a one-person development shop, or you work for a small company without technical writers, and you want to write and publish your own software documentation. If you fall into the latter category, you will find these articles are geared toward beginners, as most writers will have less experience with Joomla. But, I hope they will give you a few ideas on how you might build your own publishing platform.

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  25092 Hits

Comment choisir une extension : Recherche sur le JED (Partie 4.1)

Comment choisir une extension : Recherche sur le JED (Partie 4.1)

Faisant partie de la communauté, je me demande parfois comment ai-je débuté avec Joomla! il y a 6-7 ans. Nous n’avions pas Facebook ou Twitter où demander de l’aide ou du support sur les extensions. Aujourd’hui, je me demande si les débutants savent comment chercher dans le JED. Chercher dans QUOI… ?


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  10674 Hits

Save the Date!

Save the Date!

It's that time. The time of year when you start to organize your calendar and plan your events. I know, you should have done it January 1, start the year off right. You probably had every intention of making 2014 the year you were in complete control of your tasks, your projects, and your calendar. Now before you've even had time to breathe, it's February. I can't tell you how it happens but it always does - and now it has happened again. But don't worry, don't fret, and certainly don't give up on your goals. It's never to late to start planning. Which means now is the perfect time to discuss an important opportunity.

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  14067 Hits

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