With the latest updates in Joomla 3, many improvements have been introduced regarding Microdata (sometimes also called Rich Snippets or Structured Data). Some recent articles in the Community Magazine already explained the technical backgrounds of the implementation and the workflow for developers. However, many still struggle to understand where they can see this and how they can benefit from the SEO advantages that microdata give on a practical level.
I would like to share my first J and Beyond event experience with you, the Joomla! community.
The once very popular Singleton design pattern has become an anti-pattern. From hero to outcast. Like a sportsman who was caught doping. What happened?
Lo scorso mese si è svolto nei pressi di Francoforte, l'ormai consueto evento Joomla and Beyond 2014, una delle più importanti conferenze per la community Joomla a livello internazionale.
When I landed at Frankfurt airport, I was not sure what to expect. That was a first time in many levels for me: my first time in Europe, my first time in Germany (which I longed to visit for decades) and my first time at a J and Beyond.
There are a variety of Joomla! Events scheduled throughout July and August spanning North and South America, Africa and the UK. Joomla! User Group (JUG) meetings and JoomlaDays are intended for everyone from casual users to core developers. The Joomla! Developer Conference, to be held in August, is intended for experienced developers and programmers interested in developing with the Joomla! CMS and Framework. Visit the Joomla! Events Site to browse all events, submit an event or learn how to organize an event.
I’m honored to have been part of the first JoomlaDay in Russia ever last Friday. I met a vibrant community with a broad and deep knowledge of Joomla. It also has a great passion to grow the community even more. It was my first trip to a JoomlaDay event since I was elected president of Open Source Matters, and also the first time I delivered a keynote session with live translation. My session was called “You, Me and the Joomla Community” where I told my volunteer story. A big thank you to Anastasia Gabidullina, who translated my session.
Quando aterrisei em Frankfurt, não sabia bem o que esperar. Essa viagem foi a primeira vez de várias coisas: minha primeira vez na Europa, minha primeira vez na Alemanha - um país que queria visitar há anos - e minha primeira vez em um J and Beyond.
August 7th and 8th, 2014 - Chicago IL, USA: The Joomla Developer Conference is a two-day, multi-track, workshop style conference that covers all aspects of development for the Joomla! CMS and Joomla! Framework. This "hands on" conference is like no other Joomla event that has ever taken place. This conference will provide you with the information and tools you need to properly develop Joomla Templates, Joomla Extensions, and Joomla Framework Applications in the most efficient manner.
With 172 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at
What do the World Cup and Joomla have in common? They bring together people on every continent, focusing all their attention and energy on one objective. The 2014 ball design even reminds me of the Joomla logo. As many of us cheer our home teams, and those of our friends, let’s take a look at a new goal coming up on the Joomla Community Magazine…
For the 3rd time the website CMS Critic organizes the annual Critics' Choice CMS Awards. Help Joomla to get more exposure... by nominating it for a CMS Critic's People's Choice Award!
Last month the world embraced and celebrated Pride Day in hundreds of cities around the world… In May, during JoomlaDay Brazil, I was lucky to attend my first Pride Parade in Sao Paulo, one of the largest in the world, with more than a million people marching, dancing and celebrating the diversity and pride of who they are.
Les 23 et 24 mai dernier s'est tenue la 8ème édition du JoomlaDay™ France à Paris. Organisée par l'AFUJ (Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Joomla), cette manifestation est le carrefour annuel des afficionados de notre CMS préféré. Le JoomlaDay est aussi et surtout l'occasion de rencontrer des personnes que l'on ne connait parfois que par le biais d'Internet. Des belges, des algériens, des suisses, j'y ai rencontré une russe de Vladivostok (bon ok, elle habite maintenant Bruxelles) et un japonais arrivé le matin même en direct d'Osaka. Tel que je l'ai vécu, c'est un fantastique carrefour culturel et intellectuel.
Certains robots sont bienveillants pour la santé de notre site; le fichier robots.txt en fait partie. Il va nous aider à mieux référencer notre site sur les moteurs de recherche. Toutefois, quelques mesures de sécurité s'imposent.
GSoC 2014 - SQL Optimization Project for Joomla CMS was the project I am involving at the moment. After spending more time on getting familiar with the Joomla core at the moment I have implemented several queries and hope to carry out the project in order to meet the final outcome.
Hello folks! I am currently working on this project, writing testing scripts for Joomla CMS. I have spent enough time on understanding the Joomla testing code base and I hope to improve it and increse its coverage so that I do not leave any area untested. I hope to complete my project within the timeline I have provided.
“If you value a Joomla extension, you will also value and appreciate the work that goes into making that extension.” A few weeks ago in a Joomla user group, a user shared a link to a website encouraging the purchase of various Joomla extension licences, sharing them with those who had paid for this pirated 'membership'.
Being part of J and Beyond, has given me the pleasure of seeing old friends again, but also the opportunity to see that particular companies continue to be at the forefront. It is great to see that from the strong foundation that those companies made years ago due to their sponsorship, worldwide Joomla events have been able to take place, as well as other activities that the rest of the community need.
Todo o site deveria ser feita essa otimização, tanto para poupar recursos do servidor, quanto para deixar o carregamento do site mais rápido. Vamos ver como fazer essa otimização do Joomla com base no Google Page Insights.
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