El projecte Joomla es complau d'anunciar la immediata disponibilitat de Joomla 3.0.2. Aquesta és una versió de seguretat. L'equip directiu s'ha fixat l'objectiu de continuar proporcionant actualitzacions regulars i freqüents a la comunitat Joomla. Llegiu més sobre Joomla! i el seu desenvolupament en el lloc del desenvolupador (en anglès).
El projecte Joomla es complau d'anunciar la immediata disponibilitat de Joomla 3.0.3. Aquesta és una versió de seguretat. L'equip directiu s'ha fixat l'objectiu de continuar proporcionant actualitzacions regulars i freqüents a la comunitat Joomla. Llegiu més sobre Joomla! i el seu desenvolupament en el lloc del desenvolupador (en anglès).
Joomla is an open source content management system which based on PHP and MySQL. You can work with it both online or offline. However, managing Joomla offline requires you to install a compatible web server and the Joomla package as well. Below are instructions to install Joomla on XAMPP - a good web server which can work well on local machine. This is an extract from the free ebook "Joomla 3.0 Made Easy".
El projecte Joomla es complau d'anunciar la immediata disponibilitat de Joomla 3.0.3. Aquesta és una versió de seguretat. L'equip directiu s'ha fixat l'objectiu de continuar proporcionant actualitzacions regulars i freqüents a la comunitat Joomla. Llegiu més sobre Joomla! i el seu desenvolupament en el lloc del desenvolupador (en anglès).
Are you a business owner or a marketer who has a Joomla website? Are you searching for some information on how to best optimize your Joomla website for the latest SEO techniques and methodologies? Then you will greatly benefit from reading this article.
In the previous articles we covered setting the stage and beginning the component structure. In this tutorial we will be focusing on the details, writing those functions and files that are core to this extension and actually making the extension start to work and hopefully start unifying the entire component and accomplishing the overall goal.
What if the component you want to use does not implement the ACL features you need to have? One approach is to add access control through Joomla's output overrides.
Admin Tools DeveloperAkeeba DevelopersWebsiteWebsiteCompatibility Submitted by Leadership Team member: Nick SavovNick SavovWhy do you love this Extension? I love this extension, because it's easy to use, a huge time saver, and provides security for sites that I maintain. What does this...
The JED Team is no longer running this survey on the magazine. Thank you for all your submissions! Please follow extensions.joomla.org for further news.
Am 21. September 2013 ist es wieder soweit. Der Joomla!Club organisiert in der Bundeshauptstadt der Schweiz in Bern den zweiten Joomla!Day. Nebst vielen bekannten Sprechern werden rund 200 Teilnehmer aus dem ganzen deutschsprachigen Raum erwartet.
Der 2. Joomla!Day steht unter dem Motto: „Einfach Joomla! - Simply Joomla!“. Brian Teeman, Sander Potjer oder Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos von Akeeba Backup werden zu den verschiedensten Themen rund um das diesjährige Motto referieren.
Ebenso werden einige bekannte Namen aus der deutschsprachigen Joomla!Szene zu Gast sein. Eine komplette Liste der Sprecher ist auf der Veranstalterwebsite www.joomladay.ch zu finden.
It's that time again! On the 21st of September 2013 the Joomla!Club has organised the second JoomlaDay, to take place this time in the Swiss capital Berne. In addition to many well-known speakers, around 200 participants are expected from all over German-speaking Europe. The 2nd JoomlaDay will be held under the motto: „Simply Joomla! - Einfach Joomla!“. Brian Teeman, Sander Potjer and Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos from AkeebaBackup will be speaking on a variety of themes related to the current year's motto.
The JUG Pune & JUG Mumbai had organised the 3rd Joomla! Day in Mumbai, and what an event it was! We had Ryan Ozimek, David Hurley, Ofer Cohen and more than half a dozen speakers from various parts of India. We also had an enthusiastic audience from far corners, and all of them were more than willing to soak in every bit of the knowledge the community wished to impart. The Joomla Handshake #jhandshake too was ideated, you can view the video on Ryan's Vine.
Since 2006, when I for the first time "saw the light" with Joomla! I have fortunately not been exposed to more than a few hacker attacks of my websites. In both cases there was only a so-called de-faceing, but still it was frustrating to be hacked and time consuming, in the first case, to get the website up and running again. Luckily, I had learned when the next attack was inevitable. I had a backup.
It all started on a hot, summer day in August, an innocent lunch, a good idea, and off we went, diving headfirst into planning the first ever JoomlaDay Boston! You may see this as a bit of shameless plugging, and you are right, please join us! But with it, I hope to pass along a few good tips on event organizing.
Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.
Volunteering to help with Joomla! is fun! Check here for listings of current volunteer openings throughout the Joomla! project that have been posted in the "Help wanted in the community” forum.
In the last period, there was a huge API growth especially in mobile applications industry, APIs being used both in the applications’ development process and as business tools. Unfortunately, building and hosting it usually turns into a lot of work that gets in the way of getting things done. Thus, many brilliant ideas are stuck with server configurations, database administration or security issues. But, what if we could get the API ready in just a few clicks? And, believe it or not it's totally developed with Joomla!
Tal com estava previst a l'abril de 2012, la JED iniciarà la transició d'abandonar el suport per les extensions de Joomla 1.5.
Holding a Pub Night "north" at the top of the Yonge subway line, in 2009 I ventured south to my first Joomla User Group Toronto (JUGT) event.
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