With the upcoming Joomla! CMS releases, the new MVC will play a major role. Through my Google Summer Of Code project, I've taken the initial steps for that.
This article follows the introductory article in Joomla magazine July issue (https://magazine.joomla.org/issues/issue-july-2013/item/1366-module-modernization). In this article, I will briefly introduce some of the new modules which will be added to Joomla in near future and few of the new features such as module ACL and global configuration.
This article introduces you to the new JLayouts features in Joomla! 3.2. Most of the changes are focused in improve the flexibility of the system for third party developers.
This month I'll try to clarify how Joomla works for users without any technical knowledge. We will start by defining Joomla as a CMS (Content Management System). That means that Joomla does... what? It's easy: Joomla allows you to manage any "content" on the internet which covers just about anything you can think of.
Tra le tante nuove funzionalità rilasciate con la versione 3.2 di Joomla!, forse una delle meno pubblicizzate ma sicuramente molto utile per amministratori ed interessante per gli sviluppatori, è la cosidetta "post-installation messages", informa l'amministratore del sito circa l'avvenuta installazione di estensioni e funzionalità che richiedono la sua attenzione, vediamo nel dettaglio le sue caratteristiche e come usarlo.
Have you got your tickets yet? This is the Joomla! conference you don't want to miss! We kick it off on Thursday, November 7th with our J!Party Pre-event... there are not many tickets left for that (space is limited!) Can't make it for the whole weekend? Join us on Friday for Business Day! The best thing is to be there for all the action, with all the Joomlers, all weekend!
A big thank you to all who submitted artwork for the Joomla! Fan Art Logo Contest, we had some great logos to choose from! All three stickers will be printed by StickerMule.com and will be available at the upcoming Joomla! World Conference!
Mit mehr als 164 User Gruppen weltweit gibt es immer etwas Neues oder Aufregendes aus der Joomla! Gemeinschaft zu berichten und ich hoffe, dass ich es schaffe, hier monatlich eine Zusammenfassung zu posten über Gruppen, Events und Berichten zu JUG Treffen. Wenn du Infos zu deiner Gruppe hast, die hier erwähnt werden sollen, schreib bitte eine Mail an
As a technical writer, I think Opensource Matters is missing an important marketing opportunity by not targeting Joomla! at the professional writing community. By "professional writing community," I don't mean novelists, poets, or publishing company editors (though, Joomla! would be great for them too) - I mean professional writers in the corporate world: technical writers, instructional designers, and marketing personnel. While the professional writing community is a smaller, more-niche market than the corporate CMS market and the software development community, I have thought for some time that Joomla! could be the next "killer app" for professional writers.
Anyone who knows me knows I have a bit of a sweet tooth and I'm a sucker for chocolate, cheesecake and ice cream. It's extremely hard for me to walk past the local gelato shop. As I yield to temptation, I'm affronted with an assortment of flavours and mix-ins. I can choose between standard or sugar cones or have it in a cup. I can tailor my order for the likes and dislikes of my family, and get serving sizes that are realistic for their appetite (or my budget). Decisions, decisions ...
I was a JoomlaDay virgin. I had not been to a JoomlaDay anywhere in the world. I had not organised a JoomlaDay ever before. Back in February of 2013 when my co-organizer, James Foreman, said he wanted to do a JoomlaDay in our area, I had no idea what was ahead.
With 157 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community - this is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please email me at
I sometimes come across Joomla sites that are built only for blogging. There are a lot of possibilities: you can use Joomla native , K2, and all sorts of CCKs. Today I decided to test an extension from the community choice extensions poll from several months back. Let's put EasyBlog from Stackideas on the bench...
Mit mehr als 157 User Gruppen weltweit gibt es immer etwas Neues oder Aufregendes aus der Joomla! Gemeinschaft zu berichten - dies ist mein monatlicher Bericht über neue Joomla! User Gruppen, Events und Berichten zu JUG Treffen. Wenn du Infos zu deiner Gruppe hast, die hier erwähnt werden sollen, schreib bitte eine Mail an
If your clients want a simpler backend to their websites, don’t log them in to an 'admin' template – serve them a 'client' template.
The Joomla Project leadership news roundup for the month of November includes some egg-cellent items that will make you smile :-)
If you haven't heard of Twitter, you've been living under a rock. Twitter is one of the fastest growing social networks on the Planet. It's the fastest growing for an older 55-65 demographic. It also gets a lot of interaction. This month we had a chance to sit down with Twitter Expert Branden Hampton. Branden manages the most interactive handle on Twitter @notebook.
Every so often I have some tweets in my timeline where I can watch people from Joomla! talking really bad about Wordpress. Or Drupal. Or another CMS. And most of the times, people do this because they see all the opensource CMS as opponents on something that they call "the CMS market". Now, take a seat, because here comes a shocking truth: neither Drupal nor Wordpress nor any other opensource CMS is an opponent for Joomla.
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