Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.
Avete letto la Guida di Joomla 1.6 e 1.7 per principianti e volete saperne di più? State cercando di fare da soli con Jooma? Volete guadagnare denaro diventando uno sviluppatore? Questo libro vi dà un'introduzione allo sviluppo di Joomla! ed è un buon inizio per fare il passo successivo.
The article below is targeting more advanced users, who have some knowledge in HTML and preferably in PHP. We expect that you have knowledge on Joomla! plugin system and template overwrites. Otherwise, it will be very hard for you to figure out how to do it.
The brief was to design and build a new online news portal for the offline publication, FTSE Global Markets, with complete SEO best practice, site monetisation and user database leveraging preferences, interest areas and email alerts. Their target audience is Institutional Investors.
Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.
Nell' annuncio ufficiale del rilascio di Joomla 2.5 si può notare la dicitura che è stata usata l'ultima versione della Joomla!Platform la 11.4. Il termine Joomla!Platform è relativamente nuovo, cerchiamo di capire un pò meglio cosa vuol dire.
Brian Teeman, a Joomla! founder, speaker and FOSS aficionado, also wears another hat as an organizer of J and Beyond (JAB). As we approach JAB12, I sat down with Brian to find out what will be happening at the weekend-long conference this year.
Last year, I joined forces with JoomlaBlogger’s Kristoffer Sandven to give you 5 quick tactics to jump-start your Joomla! website’s SEO. This year I want to share with you 5 great and super-easy to read SEO guides that will enable you to gain a better understanding of what SEO really means and how you can use it to get great traffic to your site for free. So, without further ado, here goes...
"Jumla" is the Swahili word for "all together" and was the inspiration for the name Joomla!. The Joomla! project is one of the biggest content management systems worldwide, backed by a global community. Joomla! 2.5 is the sucessor of Joomla! 1.5. It is a long term release and represents the state of the art for the Joomla! project from January 2012 to July 2013. It lets you create unique websites in your own language. Even if you are not a specialist :-)
Vous avez lu le Guide du débutant Joomla!1.6 et 1.7 et vous voulez en savoir plus ? Vous désirez réaliser vos propres trucs avec Joomla! ? Vous voulez gagner de l'argent en devenant développeur ?
One of the things I like best is looking ahead to a goal, and knowing that the skills and tools needed to meet it are available. I may not know exactly how the process will unfold — in fact it's better when I don't. That is the essence of the best kind of creative challenge. Satisfaction comes when the goal is achieved, and the different facets of the solution can be savored. Countless times my experience with Joomla! has provided exactly this kind of opportunity…
Volunteering to help with Joomla! is fun! Check here for listings of current volunteer openings throughout the Joomla! project that have been posted in the "Help wanted in the community” forum.
Take a pizza crust and cover it with zesty tomato sauce. Pile it high with peppers, onions, mushrooms, pepperoni, and cheese. Add a generous pinch of Joomla! Invite your geekiest bug-squashing friends and let the fun begin. Mama mia... it's time again for Pizza Bugs and Fun!
When a website development project is ready to be delivered, the clients usually demand a customised built-in help system so that they know how to navigate through the loads of menu items and web pages in order to maintain and manage the content/site in the absence of the development team. Implementing such a built-in help system is made easier by Joomla’s Administrator Menu module.
"A picture is worth a thousand words". In the online world, this adage is still correct. Your website will look more lively and stunning if there is a photo gallery. Yes, photos not only help you share your world with website visitors but they also help you convey your ideas.
- You are keen on doing your own stuff with Joomla!?
- You want to earn money by becoming a developer?
By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to https://magazine.joomla.org/