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The challenge of updating the look and feel of Joomlas websites


You may have seen the two previous articles Joomla 5 is coming, time for a new look for all our sites? Join the challenge and have a say and Joomla 5 challenge, the responses and the winners, well since then we have set up a test site and people are working on various design elements. This is a quick update of where we are at and what we are aiming for.

Recap on what was the challenge

The original challenge was set out in the first article and recognised that the Joomla websites that form the assets of Joomla:

have not changed in a while and all have very different styles, look and feel.

These should all be brought in line with modern practices and made to look like they are from the same stable.

The challenge was to come up with some ideas of how we could change the sites and what style should be applied across the board. 

The challenge was met by several people, all adding their own thoughts and interpretation of what was needed.

Although there were several that shone out, all the entrants had useful things to say that were taken on board.

What is up for change?

The challenge focused on the front end of the sites outlined, but for Joomla 5 the administrator colours and login screen could also do with a fresh new look. Several members of the team have been working on ideas to give that a polish and update the Joomla 5 experience.

Here is a screenshot of just one of the administrator area ideas.

But this is not the finished design and there is still a lot of work going on to finalise ideas.

This is some of the detail

There is still a long way to go, but progress is being made.

So far, the ideas have been built using the system of choice for those involved. The final designs will be built in Cassiopeia, and so give inspiration to those wanting to use the core template for their own sites.

This is a big undertaking that has not been done in years. There are several areas to tackle beyond the design. Some areas of the sites may need to be removed as times have changed, and what seemed like a good idea is not getting the traction needed to maintain that area. Other areas need updating with more recent information, and there are some things we are just missing and a thorough look at the sites will bring all this to light.

We also need to bring as much back to the core as Joomla itself has developed over time and has become such a capable system allowing us to do more just with the core.

How long will it take?

That all depends on the number of people taking part and the energy they can all give to the project. I would hope we would have a design before Joomla 5 is released and that with the rollout of Joomla 5, we would also be rolling out the design and changes to the Joomla landscape. 

Then over the first few releases of Joomla 5, we will get a more coherent and integrated look and feel, bringing a new level of professionalism to Joomla.

Who can help with the redesign?

For anyone who wants to get involved, there is a working group in Mattermost called OR J5 Design Working Group. If you would like to be part of it, then simply message me (Phil Walton) in Mattermost, and we can have a chat and add you.

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