2 minutes reading time (303 words)

Pizza, Bugs, and Fun 2024.2 is coming - are you excited yet?


A few days are left for the next episode of Joomla’s legendary Pizza, Bugs & Fun 2024.2 event. So prepare your GitHub account or check your documentation credentials, because you’ll need this. With Joomla 5.2 coming, there is a lot to do. Be ready on August 24th, 2024 to get your pizza and help Joomla to get release ready. Whether you're a seasoned Joomla enthusiast or new to the scene, PBF 2024.2 offers a unique opportunity to make a real difference while enjoying some fun and free pizza.

How can you prepare?

Join our Mattermost-Channel and benefit from the training video we share to get you ready. It’s easy to follow and if you still have any doubts, just ask in the channel. Thanks to our Sponsor Wicked Software we will again offer pre-installed Joomla Instances and will also offer a Video-Call to connect worldwide. So you’re not alone on that day and can directly dive in to contribute and improve Joomla.

Feel free to gather together at locations, meet friends online to work together or do everything from your desk, every contribution counts. Also don’t forget to check out the official website.

Join the Joomla Newsletter to receive updates on PBF24 and more!

Get your Badge

With the new Holopin-Badge system we’ll offer unique badges for this event, so don’t miss them out (will be shared after the event).

Let’s get ready to rumble*

Pizza, Bugs, and Fun 2024.2 is more than just an event; it's a movement. It's where your passion for technology meets the warmth of a community, all over the shared love for pizza. So, whether you're a coder, a writer, or someone who loves to organize, there's a place for you at PBF 2024.2. 

*(Note from the editor: when it comes to pizza, crumble might be more accurate)

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Comments 1

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Emmanuel Lemor on Saturday, 17 August 2024 16:54
If you are in Paris and want to attend a / SI vous êtes à ou autour de Paris : Pizza, Bugs & Fun - August 24th, 2024....

You are in luck, I will be hosting the local event, you can check this link for address and contact information:


Hope to see you there !


Vous avez de la chance, j'accueillerai le P.B.F. sur Paris, vous pouvez consulter ce lien pour l'adresse et les informations de contact :


J'espère vous y voir !

Cheers, À bientôt,


You are in luck, I will be hosting the local event, you can check this link for address and contact information: https://www.pizza-bugs-fun.com/en/where-to-go/europe Hope to see you there ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vous avez de la chance, j'accueillerai le P.B.F. sur Paris, vous pouvez consulter ce lien pour l'adresse et les informations de contact : https://www.pizza-bugs-fun.com/en/where-to-go/europe J'espère vous y voir ! Cheers, À bientôt, Emmanuel.

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