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Leadership Highlights August 2013

Leadership Highlights August 2013

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy.... That would give the impression that we’re slowing down a bit and enjoying some sunshine. The part about enjoying the sunshine might be true but when it comes to slowing down? On the contrary!

Especially the Production Leadership Team is having a very busy month. But fortunately they are not on their own. There was a lot involvement from the community in all the events they organized in July.

At the beginning of July seven people gathered at the Chancellors Conference Centre in Manchester, England, for a 2 day code sprint looking at Joomla UX. A detailed report including a video about their efforts can be found here.

Shortly after that the whole world joined in the Pizza, Bugs and Fun on July 12th. The day before, a webinar about the Bug Squash event was followed by many community members. If you did not have the chance to join, you can watch the video and get ready for the next Pizza, Bugs and Fun event.

The past weekend, July 27th and 28th, seven community members got together in Pistoia, Italy to work on coding RAD Unit Tests, and they created a tutorial on how to create a component with FOF.

That will certainly not be the end of it. A call for volunteers to join the Code Sprint in Nashville, Tenessee on August 15th and 16th 2013 has been published. Besides a lot of fun, it is a great chance to help improve Joomla on many areas.

On top of that new versions for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 were released. There was some hassle about version numbers, but who cares! The Release Team did a great job to make sure every Joomla user can update their versions safely and easily and enjoy all the improvements and new features that come with it. A huge thank you goes out to all people involved making this happen!

Another call for volunteers went out on behalf of the Community Leadership Team. They are looking for team members for the Joomla! User Group Team that is responsible for approving JUG applications and supporting new User Groups during the application process. Nominations can be submitted until July 31st.

And in the beginning of July, Open Source Matters published a call for volunteering in the Treasurer role. Sadly the current Treasurer Thomas Hampton had to resign from his position due to other responsibilities he's taking on. He did a great job managing our financial matters the past years and he deserves a big thank you for all his efforts.

The plans for extending the options of the demo site are interesting, as well as the new free hosting option. A Request for Proposals has been published and hopes are that this will lead to great opportunities for new users to try out Joomla and to increase our market share in the future.

JWC Update

The early bird rate for the Joomla World Conference in Boston from November 8 - 10 has been extended! Go catch that worm!

On the road …

Literally on the road at this moment are Ruth Cheesley, David Hurley and Jacques Rentzke. They are attending JoomlaDay Kenya in Nairobi on August 2nd.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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