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Join the Joomla! Tweet Team

Join the Joomla! Tweet Team
Sometimes stuff happens! I am now one of the responsible people for the Joomla! Twitter Account and the Joomla! Facebook page - don't ask :)

First task for you, yes you, yes now!

Follow Joomla! Twitter Account and like the Joomla! Facebook page!

We want to tweet and fbing (I learned that this is the word for posting a message on Facebook) as transparent as possible in the name of the Joomla! community. To start somewhere, I formed a "Tweet Team" with "a tweet a day chat" on Skype looking for interesting tweets to retweet and interesting links from joomla.org to tweet. There is so much content nobody knows.

"We" is at the moment:

We have three simple rules:

  1. No biting or scratching — translated, this means play nice!
  2. Sander, Javier and me are allowed to tweet (I don't know whether we have more users with the permission to tweet)
  3. In case of lack of consensus, any of us 3 have the final decision

Already joined

Ana Frade, arvind, Gary Brooks, Hils Cheyne, Isidro Baquero Jacques Rentzke, Jon Neubauer, Mark W. Bender, Simon Wells-k2joom, Tess Neale, Kendall Cabe already joined the chat.

You can join the chat, too!

  1. send me your skype user via twitter and I'll add you to the chat
  2. add me on skype (user hagengraf) and I'll add you to the chat
  3. ask someone mentioned above to add you to the chat

Things are developping fast! Read the latest info in our Wiki page http://docs.joomla.org/Tweet_Team.


Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Summing Up the Joint Summit


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