A ship is safe in harbor, but...
Welcome to the new Joomla! Community Magazine! Whether your first visit or your fiftieth, all of us on the JCM team want you to know that we are delighted that you are here. We've put together quite a variety of content here and you will find lots of great stories to hold your interest. When you read something that makes an impression, please be sure to leave a comment, or better yet, submit your own story for an upcoming JCM issue!
This is the second issue of the JCM. You could make an argument that since it took nine months to publish last month's first issue (including all the time for planning, forming the team, developing the site's layout and design, and writing the stories), it would be understandable if the JCM team decided to perhaps “coast a bit” and take it easy for this second issue.
But that isn't what happened for this issue. Instead, the JCM team has continued to work hard developing another group of great new stories, releasing an upgraded article menu module, and also launching two major content additions.
William Shedd once said that A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for. The JCM team has no intention of staying safely in harbor. We have lots of new features and content ideas that are already being developed for upcoming issues. There's a fun and exciting journey ahead and we want you to join us, both by reading these stories and by also sharing your stories here with the rest of the Joomla! community!
In this issue
In the Feature stories topic, Alice Grevet's story JCM International stories-It takes a global village highlights the launch of an important JCM initiative: To give an opportunity for Joomla! community members from all around the world to contribute stories in their own language. To make this initiative a success, we need community members to submit their stories and volunteers from each language to review them and help coordinate the JCM publishing workflow process. Volunteers from 13 languages have already agreed to support this important new initiative. Also, Matt Lipscomb has written an in-depth interview with Elin Waring, former President of OSM and a long time key leader for the Joomla! project.
In the Extensions and Services Evaluations topic, don't miss the highly anticipated second part in their series of detailed looks at Joomla! template frameworks. And Miljan Vujosevic has contributed an article which provides a closer look at how template frameworks impact SEO rankings.
In the Website case studies topic, Cristina Solana and Robert Vining have teamed up to deliver another in-depth look at an innovative Joomla! website. This month they focus on a case study for the Scottoiler website, a prominent global manufacturer of systems supporting the motorbike industry.
In the Leadership connections topic, Steve Burge has contributed another update on Open Source Matters activities for July, and get to know JUG team volunteer Mike Carson in a Community Leadership Team: Volunteer profile.
In the Joomla! events and Joomla! User Groups topic, Bo Astrup has written a story about Joomla! Day USA West 2010 coming up in October in San Jose, CA, and Sam Wettling has contributed a story about OpenCamp Dallas which will take place August 27-29.
In the Joomla! in the press/media topic, Mark Bender has compiled another set of recent links to Joomla! related stories featured on other websites.
In the Designer's studio topic, Kyle Ledbetter has contributed an interesting article about improving the Joomla! adminsistrator template and how you can help.
In the Developer's workbench topic, Cristina Solana has written a step by step guide about how to easily sync Joomla! websites, Renea Leathers has contributed an article about the importance of creating good end user documentation, and Arlen Walker has delivered a profile of Fotis Evangelou in the The Joomla! Setup series.
In the Administrator's toolkit topic, Nicholas Dionysopoulos has written another detailed and informative story about addressing security issues. This issue's story focuses on how to protect your websites from SQL injection attacks.
And to finish this In this issue section like we started, we are excited to announce another new JCM topic launching this month: On the lighter side... with our first contribution from Yepr. This topic will feature community submitted cartoons and illustrations about Joomla! and related subjects which will hopefully make you and the rest of the members of our community smile. These cartoons and illustrations will be featured in a module on the home page as well as within their own topic.
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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