The Reel Deal
April’s “nauty” theme for this article evokes maritime images of past issues that helped chart the course for the Joomla! Community Magazine from her maiden voyage to the present day. In-between the lighthouse and the ship is a deep blue sea with a life of its own...
In many countries the 1st of April is symbolized by a fish, for the equivalent of the anglo April Fool’s Day. It isn’t unusual to see people in France, unbeknownst to them, walking around on April 1st with a paper fish taped to their back, victims of a “poisson d’avril” prankster. The Joomla! community likes to have fun, too, and just as fish travel in schools, new opportunities to learn and discover are always just around the corner...
Now that spring is here, summer isn’t far off. But no lazy days down by the fishing hole for Joomla because we’re participating in the Google Summer of Code! GSoC is like dreaming up the biggest wish list imaginable of features and extensions, and turning a bunch of smart, techy young coders loose on it. It is thrilling to have the best and brightest students in our community participating in this innovative program. Joomla! grows from it, mentors have a chance to help shape the future, students gain marketable experience, and everyone has a whale of a time!
While reading the GSoC article, please note the newest section of the magazine: Joomla! in Education. We want to highlight education for several reasons. Many academic institutions use Joomla! in effective and innovative ways for their website and intranet needs. In addition, there is a growing interest in the community and amongst the leadership to identify institutions offering certification programs and explore certification further. Check out this section month to month to see how Joomla is evolving in education.
Thanks to our fantastic magazine team, we have an issue this month to get you thinking and discovering new things about Joomla from the frontend, the backend, and all around the world. Read about challenges to Joomla in the Japanese market - the message is relevant to all cultures. Create an Ajax username availability message for your registration page. Hear how a gal at JoomlaDay Guatemala galvanized a room of platform newbies to write an awesome photo app for mobile devices! What should you consider when deciding your hourly rate? In our International Section there are new articles in Farsi and Spanish this month. We've got books, we've got events... and a whole lot more!
Whether inside or outside the classroom, or working on a large program like GSoC, every day is a learning experience with Joomla! Thousands of people all around the world who want to build websites, write code, organize events, submit articles, build businesses, find a potential in Joomla! as vast as the deep blue sea! Take the plunge with us!
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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