New from Joomla! Press: Joomla! Programming
There’s a new release in the Joomla! Press series this week: Joomla! Programming by Mark Dexter and Louis Landry.
Joomla! Programming presents proven best practices for getting the job done right. Written by Mark Dexter and Joomla! design architect Louis Landry (who wrote much of the new Joomla! framework), the text is packed with detailed examples and sample code, in-depth reference-style explanations available nowhere else, and fascinating sidebars revealing why Joomla! works the way it does.
Here's what to expect:
- Chapter 1: What Is Joomla! Development?
- Chapter 2: Getting Your Workstation Ready for Joomla! Development
- Chapter 3: How Joomla! Works
- Chapter 4: Extending Joomla! with Layout Overrides
- Chapter 5: Extending Joomla! with Plugins
- Chapter 6: Extending Joomla! with Modules
- Chapter 7: Components Part I: Controllers and Models
- Chapter 8: Components Part II: Views, JForm, and Front End
- Chapter 9: Components Part III: Example Component Back End
- Chapter 10: Components Part IV: Example Component Front End
- Chapter 11: Working with Your Database
- Chapter 12: JavaScript and MooTools in Joomla!
- Chapter 13: Using the Joomla! Platform as an Application Framework
- Appendix A: Crash Course on PHP and Object-Oriented Programming
- Appendix B: Joomla! Filter Types
- Appendix C: JHTML Methods
We hope to bring you a review of the Joomla Programming book in the next issue of the Joomla Community Magazine.
Get your copy of Joomla! Programming on
Download code samples for each chapter
Joomla! Press
The mission of Joomla! Press is to enhance the Joomla! experience by providing useful, well-written, and engaging publications for all segments of the Joomla! Community from beginning users to platform developers.
Titles in Joomla! Press are authored by the leading experts and contributors in the community.
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