5 emerging design trends of 2018

5 emerging design trends of 2018

In the December 2017 issue of the Joomla Community Magazine my original article "10 Web Designs of 2018" focused on new and upcoming trends in design. As 2018 quickly moves by, I thought this would be a good time to share some of the latest emerging trends.

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  4821 Hits

JandBeyond Conference 2018: Where Joomla Love, Experience, Knowledge is Shared.

JandBeyond Conference 2018: Where Joomla Love, Experience, Knowledge is Shared.

There is one thing for sure; you can't attend a Joomla! Event and leave without learning new things. One thing that has keeps Joomla growing is the community. At Joomla events like the JAB, everyone sees him/herself as family and hence, the Joomla Love is shared. You feel this strong sense of belonging which makes you feel at home and because you are now carried along, the event becomes fun! COLOGNE was exceptionally AWESOME!

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An Interview with Armen Mnatsian, Former Joomla Accessibility Team Leader

An Interview with Armen Mnatsian, Former Joomla Accessibility Team Leader

In this issue we publish an interview with Armen Mnatsian, former Joomla Accessibility Team Leader.

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Joomla Day Brazil 2018

Joomla Day Brazil 2018

After three years, Brazil will again organize its Joomla Day in August, which will take place in the city of Guarulhos, the main financial, corporate and commercial center of South America. JCM interviews Kazuo Gomi Filho, one of the organizers, about the event.

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  4010 Hits

Secure all the things - Joomla Security Team Sprint, Cologne, May 2018

Secure all the things - Joomla Security Team Sprint, Cologne, May 2018

Joomla Security Team Sprint, Cologne, May 2018. I guess we all agree that it's one of Joomla's key priorities to offer a software that is as secure as possible, as this plays a crucial role in the user's experience running Joomla - a hacked user, is a very unhappy user.

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JUG Round Up May 2018

JUG Round Up May 2018

Welcome to the JUG Round Up! It's time to see what's been happening with Joomla! User Groups around the world!

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JCM goes to JaB 2018

JCM goes to JaB 2018

With some of the finest joomlers in the world getting together, Cologne was a great place to be in May! JCM had the opportunity to attend and check out this great event.

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J&Beyond 2018 - Become a Jeck!

J&Beyond 2018 - Become a Jeck!

The Joomla community is made up of passionate volunteers, that truly believe in the idea of Open Source. They invest tremendous amounts of time to improve the CMS, provide support to other users or spread the word of Joomla’s awesomeness – and the better part of those people is completely “Jeck”. Time for you to become a Jeck too, by attending J&Beyond on 11-13 May 2018!

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Kigali Hosts the Sixth CMS Africa Summit

Kigali Hosts the Sixth CMS Africa Summit

Kigali went live last week as it hosted the sixth edition of the CMS Africa summit. CMS Africa is an organisation that champions the use of technology (open source) to change the way we develop economies. The Summit brings together both global and Africa-based speakers and delegates. It is a premier event that host tech business owners, tech innovators, and experts in the area of web & mobile design, e-commerce solutions, online business, and online exchange. In terms of delegate attendance, the summit attracts web & mobile designers, bloggers, e-commerce & online stores builders.

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Privacy by default and GDPR, examples and best practises

Privacy by default and GDPR, examples and best practises

EU citizens will soon expect that their personal data will by default be processed more carefully, transparently and only for the purposes for which they provided their explicit consent. The General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) introduces many improvements to personal data protection. It doesn’t matter whether the service provider is physically located in EU area or not, or if the provided services are paid or free of charge. If the service is available to people within the EU and personal data is involved, the regulation shall be applied and personal data must be protected according to the GDPR.

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  10245 Hits

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