JoomlaDay Poland 2015

JoomlaDay Poland 2015

The battle for the Joomla-Monster cap, and the magical "yes" uttered by the one chosen heart, rewarding the people thanks to whom the Polish Joomla! story began – this is how, in a nutshell, we can describe what happened during the fourth JoomlaDay Poland, organized in Gdansk - the city of freedom, in the 10th anniversary of Joomla! in Poland.

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Joomla Day Israel 2015

Joomla Day Israel 2015

Celebrating the fifth Joomla Day in Israel 2015, as well as 10 years for Joomla, the Israeli community got together for a full day conference on October 25th, 2015. It was a day filled with knowledge, connections, and excitment.

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Feeling Joomleiro

Feeling Joomleiro

JoomlaDay Brazil took place in Brasilia on the 4th, 5th and 6th of September.

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JoomlaDay Brasil 2015: The Biggest in History

JoomlaDay Brasil 2015: The Biggest in History

The Joomla! Community in Brazil, Joomla! users and people interested in Open Source Software got together in September in Brazil's Capital Brasília to celebrate the Joomla! 10th anniversary and learn more about the CMS. Attendees came from 12 different Brazilian states and we had international guests from Argentina, Guatemala, Greece, India, Netherlands and Spain. More than 500 people were involved in 18 lectures and 7 workshops that happened from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - besides meetings with Brazilian government departments and a national meeting of Joomla User Groups (JUGs). 

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Nominate Joomla! for the CMS Critic's People's Choice Award!

It's that time of the year again, where you have to take a stand for the CMS you love. Joomla won the People’s choice award for ‘Best Open Source PHP CMS’ last year. So show your love for Joomla and nominate Joomla! in the categories that you think Joomla fits best.

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Recapping a Fantastic JoomlaDay at Malaysia

Recapping a Fantastic JoomlaDay at Malaysia

One of the largest Open Source and non-commercial events of the year in Kuala Lumpur is JoomlaDay Malaysia 2015. It attracted more than 245 participants from all over the country. I had the pleasure of organizing the event for the first time after a long break of 3 years and I can happily report that the event was again an effective means of bringing the Joomla community together to share knowledge and best practices, as well as to network with key Joomla developers.

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Celebrate Joomla's 10th Birthday

Celebrate Joomla's 10th Birthday

On August 17th Joomla will be 10 years old. That's a truly amazing achievement for any open source project especially one that is 100% community run without any corporate overlord or backer. 10 years of a global community working together motivated not by money or personal gain but solely to create something that the world can use freely. As I look back to the events of August 2005 and the decision we made to leave the comfort of Mambo and start this journey it is hard for me to believe what we have achieved in that time.

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Bug Squash and Doctor Joomla in Nice

Bug Squash and Doctor Joomla in Nice

Just a weekend at the French Riviera, not for the sun and beach but for the 9th Joomla Day France on the 9th and 10th of May. This was going to be my first Joomla Day in a language I do not understand. Despite that I was scheduled to give a presentation, run the Bug Squash session and play Doctor Joomla.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Go to JoomlaDay Minnesota 2015

10 Reasons Why You Should Go to JoomlaDay Minnesota 2015

Are you, like many others online, having a hard time creating your online presence and building an audience? Are you searching for a new content management system? Are you a seasoned website developer looking to network? Luckily, there's a place that can help with all these situations and more. Free up some time in your schedule Saturday, July 18 and head to Minneapolis for JoomlaDay Minnesota.

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Introducing JoomlaCamp: A New Official Joomla! Event Type

Introducing JoomlaCamp: A New Official Joomla! Event Type

Most Joomla community members are familiar with major Joomla conferences like the Joomla World Conference and JandBeyond. Most of us know about the various JoomlaDays held throughout the world almost every single week of the year, and most of also know about our local JUG meetings and newer conferences like the Joomla Developer Conference. There is, however, a new official event type that most of us know nothing about: the JoomlaCamp.

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