Your Joomla Administrator Panel: make it yours!


As Joomla enthusiasts, we focus on the design, the user experience and the functionalities offered by our favourite cms, so as to build the perfect site for our visitors, but we also have to think about the administration interface, AKA The Backend.

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Joomla User Groups: growing together by sharing knowledge


Pretty much every Joomla User will reach it: the point where you feel like the only Joomler in the village and wish you knew more people working with Joomla. The wonderful news is: there are. We have Joomla User Groups all over the world, in-person and online, and you can easily join or even start one! Share your knowledge, learn fast, help solve people’s Joomla issues, and have fun!

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Transition your Joomla 4 website from Search to Smart Search


The 'Search' and 'Smart Search' components have coexisted since Joomla 2.5.

Search (or com_search) would provide a straightforward search feature while Smart Search would offer indexing and more advanced search capabilities with filtering.

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Joomla 4 – Cassiopeia Template – a bunch of Tips & Tricks


In this article, Marc Dechèvre will present a collection of tips and tricks related to the Joomla 4 default frontend template: Cassiopeia.

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New to Joomla? Great tips for newbies!


OK, so you’re about to create your first Joomla website. But where do you start, and what do you do after that? Who can help you? Where do you find good resources? Do you need to install a template? Will you need extensions to add functionality? Getting to know Joomla and all its possibilities can be a bit overwhelming. But we’ve all been there, and we got your back! For this article, Joomlers from all over the world share their golden tips with us to get you going. Dive in, explore, be patient and have fun!

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جوملا در سالی که گذشت

جوملا در سالی که گذشت

سال 1395 خورشیدی به پایان رسید و یک سال دیگر ما کاربران جوملا «همه با هم» و ترجمان «جوملا» در عمل بودیم. این همکاری داوطلبانه نتایج خوبی برای پروژه جوملا و جامعه کاربران به دنبال داشت. ضمن تبریک نوروز و سال نو، در ادامه اتفاقاتی که نتیجه این همبستگی در سال گذشته بود را مرور می‌کنیم:

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Джумляне: Денис Двали

Джумляне: Денис Двали

В этом выпуске журнал "Joomla Community Magazine" беседует с Денисом Двали, русским разработчиком из Архангельска, основателем и создателем расширений системы Joomla! "JomSocial Profile Pro", "Community Builder Profile Pro" и "Magic Window". Читайте в нашем интервью о том, как Денис, столкнувшись с недостатком одного из расширений Joomla! и обучаясь самостоятельно, стал разработчиком, его рекомендации тем, кто бы хотел встать на этот же путь, его мысли о преимуществах и недостатках системы Joomla! и о его любимых блюде, книге и домашнем животном.

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Gracias a los colaboradores del Joomla Community Magazine

Gracias a los colaboradores del Joomla Community Magazine

Escrito por Jacques Rentzke | Traducido por Andrea Kekán

El Joomla! Community Magazine (JCM) no podría existir sin los miembros de la comunidad Joomla! que comparten de forma voluntaria sus conocimientos y su tiempo.

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Uikit 3

Uikit 3

Recientemente Yootheme ha anunciado el lanzamiento de su muy esperado framework Uikit 3, el cual ha tenido un sorpresivo aumento de cantidad de usuarios y compite codo a codo con Bootstrap.

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Qué esperar de Joomla! en 2017

Qué esperar de Joomla! en 2017

Cerramos 2016 con muchas novedades en Joomla! y con grandes expectativas de las nuevas versiones ¿qué esperamos de Joomla! en 2017?

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